Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Just Do This!

I have found that I need to be told what to do.  If I have a specific program for lifting, I make progress.  I'm great at checking off tasks, both in my work, and in my training.  I've used Pavel's templates in the past, including the Rite of Passage to work up to clean and pressing a 32k kettlebell, and Power the People to deadlift 405 pounds.  Until now, I have not had a specific template for kettlebell sport training.  On Theirry Sanchez' blog, I found a kettlebell sport program generator:  http://kettlebellfitnessdk.wordpress.com/2011/06/08/kettlebell-sport-program-generator/

You simply insert your goals and the kettlebells you have at your disposal, along with the severity of the curve (i.e., how often you want to lift heavy, based on your recovery ability), and it gives you a 21-session template to follow.  The site recommends training three days a week, or every other day, which means it takes 6 weeks to hit 21 sessions.  After my performance last weekend with the 16k kettlebells (85 jerks, 80/80 snatches in competition), I'm ready to move up to the 20k.  I input a goal of 75 double jerks and 75 snatches per arm.  The template it gave me is below.  I was somewhat surprised to see that most of the reps are done with the 16k.  Each session includes a low rep, heavy set with the 24k, a work set with the 20k, and one or two sets with the 16k.  It starts off very manageable, and follows what looks like a logical progression.  If you study the table, you can see a linear cycle to avoid burnout.  It really makes sense.  I'm going to follow this for the next six weeks and see where it takes me.  Along with this, I plan to do a Power to the People style program of deadlift and bench press, and throw in heavy clean and jerks- I still have my eye on Master of Sport in the single clean and jerk.  I believe that improving my biathlon numbers got me CMS in this lift, and that to continue to improve these numbers will help in my quest for MS.  Check out the template online.  I'll keep you posted on my training.

Edit: Blogger would not let me post the table.  Keep an eye on my training log, and the program will emerge. 

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