Thursday, November 8, 2018

November 2018 Training Log

7     189 lb. Slept well, feeling better. Early morning training. VWC snatch, 18k, 6 rep cadence, :15/:15. 26 minutes = 312 snatches. Heart rate at end of set: 184. According to an online calculator, I burned 537 calories. 20 calories a minute. I don’t think I’m going to find a better way to improve my conditioning, drop some fat, and build snatch volume.  I may spend the winter doing a cycle of VWC and basic powerlifting to build a base of conditioning, strength, and snatch resilience. Then I can be ready for a specific cycle of half-marathon training toward MS or CMS.

6     189 lb. been sick for a week, and eating everything in sight. Woke up at 3:30 this morning, and could not get back to sleep. Tried to do half-marathon and VWC work, but very little energy. Did a few sets of half-snatches: 2 minutes with 24k, 26k, 28k @ 8rpm. Long cycle, 2x12k: 3m @ 8rpm. VWC snatch, 16k: 3m, 7 reps in :15.   Heavy partial training with the powerlifts. Deadlift: 3x5 @ 300 lb., bar set at 26 inches. Bench press: 3x5 @ 205, bar set at 38 inches. Squat: 3x5 @ 300 lb., bar set at 53.5 inches. All lifts felt moderate- about 80% effort. My half-rack is rated for 300 lb., but when I put the bar on at 300lb., I hung on it, and it did not complain. About 500 lb.

2     186.75 lb. Viking Warrior Conditioning snatch, 16k. 25m (50 sets), :15/:15 protocol. 6 reps per cycle. 300 reps. Ending heart rate: +- 160 bpm.  426 calories. 17 calories a minute.