Tuesday, July 3, 2012

July Training Log

July 31-  Jerks: 24k- 11; 20k- 36; 16k- 29, 32.   Snatch: 24k- 11/11; 20k- 36/36; 16k- 62/62.  Deadlift: 5 singles @ 320.

July 30- cleaned and rearranged gym.  Played around with rack jerks up to 165 pounds.  Deadlifted 300 for about 5 singles, then 320 for two.

July 29-  Jerk: 24k-9; 20k- 32, 16k- 26, 28.   Snatch: 24k- 10/10; 20k- 32/32; 16k- 55/55.   Deadlift: 300- about 10 singles throughout the day.  August 1 I'll add 20 pounds the bar and grease the groove all month with 320. 

July 28-  great day.  Took a friend to the RDU airport, then hung out and ate with some good friends from college.  Let my diet go- cheat day.  Had nutty bars, a Krispy Kreme doughnut, a BLT, burger and fries, and a milkshake.  Came home and did a circuit of lawnmowing and kettlebell pressing.  I  brought a 24k kettlebell outside and mowed the lawn.  Every time I passed the kettlebell, I pressed it twice with each arm.  Didn't keep count, but probably around 80 presses per arm.

July 27- finally backcycling a little in my kettlebell training program. Warmed up with some old school barbell lifting.  Five singles of each: deadlift @300; power clean @ 135 (breaking in technique again, starting light); power snatch @ 95; press @ 95 (1 set of 5); power jerk @ 145.  Stretching.  Jerks: 24k- 8; 20k- 28; 16k- 23, 25.  Snatch: 24k- 9/9; 20k- 28/28; 16k- 48/48.

July 26- no formal training.  Walked around in the heat at Carowinds all day, swam a little.

July 25- Jerk: 24k- 12; 20k- 40 (a new PR, I think); 16k- 33, 36.   Snatch: 24k- 12/12; 20k- 40/40; 16k- 69/69.   This is my heaviest session before backcycling.  The 12th session of a 21-session cycle.  I've had 12 sessions of 7 sets each, and have not missed a single rep!  Finished every set!  If this program is successful, I should hit 75 jerks and 75/75 snatches per arm in mid August.  Even if I don't hit these numbers, I know I am improving, and expect to put up solid PR's, possibly rank numbers in WKC and USAKL in August.  At the end of the cycle, I may increase my target reps and start a similar program to take me to the WKC worlds in October.  If I can't get to Chicago, I'll make October 27 a test day, and see how I would have compared to the lifters at worlds.

July 24- Deadlift: 300lb. x 10 singles, spread over a few hours.  A few bent presses and getups with 32k. 5x5 military presses per arm with 24k.

July 23- Jerk: 24k- 11; 20k- 37; 16k- 30, 33.   Snatch: 24k- 11/11; 20k- 37/37; 16k- 63/63.   A very tough session, because I slept badly last night.  Had to extend rest periods significantly.

July 22- deadlift: 300 lbs.  10 easy singles spread out over about 2 hours.  I'm trying an "Easy Strength" approach to improving my deadlift.  I'll pull easy singles about every day, adding 20 pounds a month.  If this works, then by November, I'll be pulling 380 daily, so I should be prepared to hit a PR at the push/pull in Morganton. 

July 21- Jerk: 24k- 10; 20k- 33; 16k- 27, 30.   Snatch: 24k- 10/10; 20k- 33/33; 16k- 57/57. 

July 20- Mowing, weed eating, cleaned out gym.  Did 8 sets of 10 hs swings @ 24k.

July 19- Jerk: 24k- 9; 20k- 30; 16k- 24, 27.  Snatch: 24k- 9/9; 20k- 30/30; 16k- 51/51. 

July 18- one Tabata-style set of hardstyle swings: 20 seconds on/10 seconds off, 4 minutes.  Did not count reps, but worked at a pace of 10+ swings per set.   Got a body fat caliper today.  Compared the single measurement (suprailliac) chart that was included with the three-measurement Jackson Pollock calculator online, and both rendered about the same results: 19.2% with the single measurement; 19.6% with the three measurements.  I'll just use the single measurement from here on, so I don't have to look it up online.  I have about 35 pounds of fat, and about 143 pounds of lean mass.  I'd like to get down to about 10-12% bodyfat, but I'm sure what weight that would put me, because presumably I should be gaining muscle as well.

July 17- about three hours of heavy yard/farm work (building, hauling, etc.), followed by kettlebell lifting.  Jerk: 24k- 8; 20k- 26; 16k- 21, 23.   Snatch: 24k- 8/8; 20k- 26/26; 16k- 45/45. 

July 16- day off from lifting.  A little yard work.

July 15- Jerks: 24k- 7; 20k- 23; 16k- 19, 20.  Snatch: 24k- 7/7; 20k- 23/23; 16k- 39/39.  About four hours hard yard/farm work.

July 14- Ran a 5k with Dorian in 34:41.  Slow carb diet cheat day.

July 13- Jerk: 24k- 10; 20k- 33; 16k- 27, 30.   Snatch: 24k- 10/10; 20k- 33/33, 16k- 57/57.  Deadlift: grease the groove @ 300 pounds.

July 12-  Deadlift: 300 pounds- 5 singles

July 11-  Jerks: 24k- 9; 20k- 30; 16k- 24, 27.  Snatch: 24k- 9/9; 20k- 30/30; 16k- 51/51.  Played around with my new knee wraps- I got some pretty serious Titan wraps.  Have not squatted in forever, and never squatted seriously. My previous best was 255.  Today after the kettlebell sport training, I got 225, 255, and 275- a 20 pound PR.  300 went down, but did not come up. I attribute the PR to training the deadlift, as well as the "what the heck effect" of kettlebell lifting.  I like the knee wraps for squats, but not for jerks.

July 10- No serious lifting.  Greased the groove on the deadlift- 300 lbs., 6 or 7 singles throughout the day.

July 9- Jerks: 24k- 8; 20k- 27; 16k- 22, 24.  Snatch: 24k- 8/8; 20k- 27/27; 16k- 46/46.  Mowed grass for about two hours.  Deadlift 300 pounds x 5 singles.

July 8- no heavy training- stretching and mobility work.

July 7- Jerk: 24k- 7; 20k- 24; 16k- 19, 21.  Snatch: 24k- 7/7; 20k- 24/24/ 16k- 41/41.  One a9- rm jerk: 32k- 6/6, 12/12; 28k- 20/20.  One arm clean: 32k- 6/6, 12/12; 28k- 20/20.  All completed within an hour.  A very tough session!  Some stretching afterwards.

July 6- 100 hindu pushups (10x10).  York #1 barbell course with 55, 75, 100 pounds.  A good barbell conditioning complex.

July 5- Jerk: 24k: 6, pausing at the top for 5 seconds. 20k: 21, at a slow pace. 16k: 17, 18 @ 12rpm.  Snatch: 24k: 6/6, pause at the top for several breaths. 20k: 21/21 at a slow pace.  16k: 36/36 @ about 18-20 rpm.  Assistance training: 32k clean: 3 sets of 10/10.  32k jerk: 10/10.

July 4- No real training today.  Active day of walking, swimming, etc., but no serious training.

July 3- Double Jerk, 2x20k: 4 minutes @ 4rpm.  2x16k: 3 minutes @ 10rpm.  Bench Press: 2x5 @ 155.  Deadlift: 2x5 @ 255.  Jumping squats: 25@ 155.  Squat lockouts: 25@ 255, 10 @ 300.

Afternoon session:  felt good, so I started a program I got from a GS program generator.  Jerk: 24k- 5; 20k- 18; 16k- 14,16.  Snatch: 24k-6/6; 20k- 18/18; 16k- 31/31. 

July 2- Bench press: 2x5 @ 145.  Deadlift: 2x5 @ 245.  Double Jerk: 2x20k: 2 minutes @ 8 rpm x 3, 2 minutes rest between sets.  Snatch, 20k: 2 minutes @ 16k rpm x 2 per arm, 3 minutes rest. Mowed grass.

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