Sunday, July 29, 2012

Gym Rules

I always train alone, but several people use my gym, including Isaac, who is working on his snatches and clean and jerks with a barbell, and getting quite strong I might add, as well as several friends and guests.  I wrote a list of rules, which might be helpful to others.  Feel free to borrow or steal this for your gym.

Steve’s Gym Rules

1.  It’s your fault.
 If you get injured, or property gets damaged, it’s your fault.  If you are not prepared to take responsibility for your safety and the preservation of this house and equipment, please don’t lift here.

2. Use, don’t abuse, the equipment.
Please train hard here, and give it all you’ve got to reach your goals.  This equipment is made of steel, iron, and wood. The floor is concrete.  It’s tough, and with normal use, will last for generations.  However, with abuse, it will break.  I worked very hard to buy and/or build everything in my gym, and there is no reason I should have to buy anything twice.  Don’t deliberately drop weights, slam them into the power rack or each other, or otherwise abuse the weights.  If you are really psyched up and want to take out your aggression, hit the heavy bag.  Please do not do kipping pullups on the power rack. 

3. Respect this house.
I’m glad you are training here.  I’m proud of the accomplishments I’ve reached in this gym, and hope that you have similar success.  This is a hardcore gym where people get strong and fit.  However, there are other people in this house, who may be working, homeschooling, or sleeping while you are training. Don’t use the speedbag or heavy bag at very early or late hours, or when the boys are homeschooling (before noon).  Use the radio and CD player, but mind the volume and the content of your music.  Please respect that we are a Christian family, and music with explicit lyrics is not played here, nor is profanity.  Or Justin Bieber, for obvious reasons.  We want more testosterone in this gym, not less.

4.  Keep it clean.
Several people train in this gym.  If you use it, put it back.  If it’s dirty, wipe it off.  If you spill it, clean it up.  There are wraps and towels in the green basket.  Feel free to use them.  Bring them in and put them in the laundry basket so they can be washed for the next guy/gal to use. No dirty shoes on the mat.  If you take weights outside to train in the sunshine, don’t tear up the yard, and clean them before bringing them back. 

5. Use common sense.
If you don’t know how to use it, leave it alone, or ask for instruction.  If it’s dangerous or stupid, don’t try it.   When in doubt, see rule # 1.

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