Monday, February 4, 2013

Snatch Test

Today I tested the 24k snatch.  Three weeks ago, I switched from timed sets with 24k, to timed sets with 12k.  I cut the weight in half, and increased the pace, the time, and the reps.  When I made the switch, I was doing 6:00 sets at 12 rpm with 24k (36 reps per arm).  With the 12k, I did mostly 10:00 sets at 20 rpm.  My goal was to increase my endurance and my pace, as I felt strong enough that I should be getting more reps out of the 24k, but my grip and shoulders were giving out.   In the last two weeks, I’ve hit 5 sets of 200 with the 12k, so I feel like I “own” this weight.  Today I tested the 24k, and will test the jerk tomorrow, having hit 4 sets of 100 and 1 set of 75 with 2 12k bells.  Then I’ll resume training with the 16k, work up to sets of 100 jerks and 200 snatches, and test again.

I worked at 20rpm with the 24k, and hit 2m per arm, for 80 reps in 4m.  My grip was going, but so were my legs and lungs. This may not have been a true max at this pace, but it was pretty close!  If my math is correct, I had an 11 percent improvement in reps, and a 33% reduction in time.  When I was training primarily with the 24k, I took a lot longer to recover between sessions, and had more soreness and discomfort afterwards.  I’ve felt great doing high rep sets with lower weight- lots of energy, with very little soreness.  My conditioning has improved greatly doing several 10:00 sets each week.

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