Friday, February 1, 2013

February Training Log

February 27- felt strong today, but did not feel the capacity for high rep work.  Did 5 sets of 10 jerks @ 2x24k.  Did 5 minutes of double clean and jerks with 2x32k, 1 rep every 30 seconds, putting the bells down to rest between reps.  Did 10 reps in 5 minutes.  This is still a very heavy weight for me.  I've done 12 double jerks, and 10+ double cleans, but I'm not sure I could hit 5 clean and jerks with this weight.  Did five deadlifts, double overhand grip, with 288- 1 every 30 seconds. 

Edit: Came back after lunch and did a quick set of 16k snatches- 2m @ 20rpm, 1 hand switch, then 2x16k Long Cycle clean and jerk- 10m @ 8rpm = 80 reps.  This is a PR for me.  Probably not a true max, but still quite a challenge.  Finished with some Roman Chair situps, and two sets of 20 jump squats @ 135.

February 26- Long Cycle Clean and Jerk- 2x24k: 9 reps @ 8rpm; 2x20k: 4m@ 8rpm; 2x16k: 26, 28 reps @ 12rpm.  I think that 2x16k clean and jerks at 12rpm are some of the best cardio I've ever done.

February 25- day off from high rep long cycle.  Not a lot of time today, so I did 1 set of 20 rep squats with 135, and 3 sets of 5 jerks with 2x32k, and 1 set of 4.  I wanted a fifth rep, but I didn't feel I had it in me safely, so I called it a day.

February 24- Long cycle clean and jerk- 2x24k: 1m @ 8rpm.  2x20k: 28 reps @ 8rpm. 2x16k: 23 reps@ 8rpm; 25 reps @ 14 rpm.  12 rpm seems about as fast as I should be going with this weight.  Perhaps I'll work up to 10m@ 12rpm with 2x12k as part of my endurance training.

February 23- Long Cycle Clean and Jerk- 2x24k: 8 reps @ slow pace; 2x20k: 25 reps @ 8rpm; 2x16k: 21, 23 reps @ 8rpm; 2x20k: 10m @ 8rpm. Finished with some Roman chair core work, and stretching.

February 22- Day off from high rep training.  Practiced some deadlifts.  Worked up to 288 pounds (my set was marketed as a 300 pound set, but the bar is 12 pounds light).  About 10 singles @ 288, with various mixed grips and double overhand grips. Felt easy and light.

February 21- Long cycle clean and jerk- 2x24k- 7 reps, slow. 2x20k: 22 reps @ 8rpm.  2x16k, 18, 20 @ 8rpm.  Roman chair situps and back extensions on the tire- 2 sets of 10 each.   Several hours later: single clean and jerk- 16k- 20 minutes @ 8rpm, hand switch on the minute.  24k- 4m @ 8rpm, 1 hand switch.  32k- 2m @ 8rpm.

February 20- Long Cycle clean and jerk: 2x24k- 6 reps, slow.  2x20k: 19 reps @ 8rpm.  2x16k: 15, 17 reps.  Following a template from the kettlebell sport program generator.  Front Squat: 2 sets @ 135x5, 3 singles @ 205.  Back squat: 225x3.

February 19- Long cycle clean and jerk- 2x20k- 4m @ 8rpm= 32 reps.

February 17- played around with long cycle for change of pace.  2x20k: 1m @ 8rpm. 2x24k: :30, 1:00, 1:30 @ 8rpm; 2x16k: 5m @ 8rpm.

February 16- Snatch, 16K 4m @ 20 = 40/40 snatches.  Kettlebell Jerk/Tire flipping complex: 14 minutes of: 5 double jerks @ 2x24k, 5 tire flips (350-400 pounds).  Got 8 rounds in 14 minutes, for 4 double jerks, 40 flips.  Average heart rate: 140 bpm for 20 minutes, for about 275 calories burned.  Great conditioning workout.  Some situps, back extensions.  Ukrianian deadlift: 2x5 @ 2x24k, 20 @ 32k.

February 14- Snatch, 16k: 6m @ 20rpm = 60/60 snatches.  Snatch Pull, 24k: 2 sets of 20.  Chin ups: 5,4,3,2,1.  Jerk, 2x16: 6m @ 10rpm = 60 double jerks.  For GPP today, I tried a Crossfit workout: Grace.  This calls for 30 clean and jerks with 135 pounds for time.  As I understand it, this can include full squat cleans or power cleans, as well as power jerks, split jerks, or push presses.  I did power cleans, and a mix of split and power jerks.  I only have iron plates and a cheap bar, so I had to lower it to the chest, then to the deck, after each rep, which cost me some time and energy.  My time: 12:52.  Certainly not competitive by Crossfit standards, but a heck of a workout for me.  Finished with mobility work and stretching. 

Today was my 4th time doing 6m in snatches and jerks with 16k. One more, then I'll move up to 8m (80 reps).

February 13- Trained with my new tractor tire for the first time- probably a 350 pound tire.  Did 2 minutes of flips to warm up, then 10 minutes of flips.  The first two minutes, I really chased it, and probably did 10-12 flips, then had to  catch my breath.  Probably 25-30 flips total.  Still breathing heavy 10 minutes later.  Then did Roman chair exercises on the tire: 3 sets of 5 each of full-range situps, back extensions, reverse hypers, lying leg raises.   Later, tried to snatch, but couldn't- forearms were burning from flipping, and would not grip the bell.  Maybe jerks later.  Maybe not.

February 12- no training

February 11- Snatch, 16k: 6m@ 20rpm = 60/60 snatches.  Jerk, 2x16k: 6m@ 10 rpm = 60 jerks.  Barbell power clean and power jerk, 100 pounds: 4 sets of 5 as fast as possible with good technique- a tough conditioning session.  A little jump rope.  One round of :20 on/:10 off jumping jacks for 4 minutes at a pace of about 25 jumping jacks in :20.

February 10- cleaned the gym and played around with a few presses- nothing serious.

February 9- a day of hard physical work, but no weight training.

February 8-  Barbell push press: 8,6,4 @ 125.  Barbell power clean: 8,6,4 @ 125.  Barbell front squat: 8,6,4 @ 125.  Snatch, 16: 6m @ 20rpm =60/60.  Jerk, 2x16k: 6m @ 10rpm =60 double jerks.  Some calisthenics: stretching, jumping jacks, pushups, etc.

February 7- double jerk, 2x16k: 6m @ 10 rpm = 60 reps.  Snatch pull, 32k: 1 set of 10.  See-saw press: 16k: 10 reps/20k: 5 reps x 3.  3 sets of 45s-1m jump rope.

February 6- Snatch, 16k- 7:00 @ 20rpm (80 reps left, 64 reps right.  Put it down because form was degenerating).  Decided to start 16k at 60 reps, and work up to 100.  Did Dan John's "Rapid Ascent"program: barbell press: 8,6,4 @ 85 pounds.  Power clean: 8,6,4 @ 125. Front squat: 8,6,4 @ 125. 

February 5- Double Jerk test, 24k.  Got 4m at 10rpm = 40 reps.  Could perhaps have gotten more at a slower pace.

February 4- Snatch test, 24k.  4 minutes @ 20rpm= 40/40 reps.  Not a true max, but close.

February 3- rest for test days

February 2- rest for test days

February 1- very cold in the gym today.  Jerks, 2x12k: 10m @ 10rpm= 100 reps.  2x20k: 2 sets of 2m @ 10rpm, 2m rest= 40 reps.  Stretching, and a little poomse and heavy bag practice.

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