Monday, September 3, 2012

September Training Log

September 30- over 1,000 12k swings, nonstop.  Swung for 30 minutes at a pace of 33-35 swings per minute, switching hands every 30 seconds.  50 pushups.

September 29- no training

September 28- Squat: 5 @ 240; Bench Press: 5@ 200; Deadlift: 5@ 350.  Double clean and jerk: 20k- 3.5 min @ 8 rpm (28 reps); 16k- 4.5 min @ 10 rpm (45 reps).

September 27- Squat: 5 @ 230; Bench Press: 5@ 195; Deadlift: 5@ 340.  Swings: +- 450 swings with 16k in 13 minutes nonstop, approximately 35 rpm.  Switched hands every 10 reps.  Could have done another minute or two, but a very difficult session.  About 8 minutes in, I got into a very efficient groove.  These long swing sessions are very physically and mentally tough.  Looking forward to working up to 1,000 straight swings with 16k, then perhaps going heavier.  I'm trying a new training schedule: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, I do five singles in each of the powerlifts, fairly heavy (70-85% 1rm), on a weekly linear cycle.  On these days, I'm also working the double clean and jerk, using a template I found from Sergey Rudnev.  Using the 20k and 16k  bells.  On Tuesdays and Thursdays I do the powerlifts and swings.  Tuesdays I'll do heavy swings with my "core blaster", loaded from 165 and up.  On Thursdays, I'll do long swing sessions, like today. 

September 26- Squat: 5 @ 220; Bench Press: 5@ 190; Deadlift: 5@ 330.  Clean and jerk: 2x20k- 3m @ 8 rpm (24 reps); 2x16k- 4m 2 10 rpm (40 reps).

September 25- Squat: 5 @ 210; Bench Press: 5@ 185; Deadlift: 5@ 320. Heavy swings: 5 each @ 130, 165, 190, 215.  7 sets of 5 @ 165; 3 sets of 5 @ 185. 

September 24- Squat: 5 @ 205; Bench Press: 5@ 180; Deadlift: 5@ 310.  Double clean and jerk: 20k- 2.5 minutes @ 8 rpm (20 reps); 16k- 3.5 minutes @ 10 rpm (35 reps).

September 23- 350 swings with a 16k kettlebell.  Worked at a 35 rpm pace, and went for 10 minutes straight, switching hands every 30 seconds, a la Bud Jeffries.  I really felt it in my legs and spinal erectors, but had more than enough wind for it.

September 22- day off from training

September 21- Squat: 5@ 230; Bench Press: 5@ 195; Deadlift: 5@ 340. Double long cycle clean and jerk: 20k- 2m @ 8rpm; 16k- 3m @ 10rpm.  I'm doing a 17 session modified version of Sergey Rudnev's long cycle template.  It's modified by using 20k and 16k weights instead of 32k and 24k.

September 20- Squat: 5@ 220; Bench Press: 5@ 190; Deadlift: 5@ 330. Played around a little with clean and jerks with 16k.

September 19- Squat: 5@ 210; Bench Press: 5@ 185; Deadlift: 5@ 320. Double clean and jerk, 16k- 3 sets of 10 while mowing the yard.

September 18- Squat: 5@ 205; Bench Press: 5@ 180; Deadlift: 5@ 310.

September 17- Squat: 5@ 200; Bench Press: 5@ 175; Deadlift: 5@ 300.  Tried to do next single clean and jerk session, but at this point, it's taking a lot more than it's giving.  In Scott Sonnen's article about the lift, he wrote that fighters who used the 32k were getting beat up and slow.  I can relate.  I'm having pain in my wrists, elbows, and ankles. Time to mix things up a little.  I'll probably do a cycle of double clean and jerk- same, but different.  This will keep my conditioning up, while distributing the weight more throughout the body than heavy, one arm lifting.

September 15-16- off from training.

September 14- 182 pounds, 17.5% body fat (32 lbs. fat, 150 lbs. lean mass).  Single clean and jerk: 32k- 10/10, 21/21; 28k: 37/37.  Squat- 5 singles @ 220.  Practicing low bar squat technique.  Bench press: 10 singles @ 170.  Deadlift: 5 singles @ 330.

September 13-  Eyes popped open at 2:30 this morning.  Got a lot of online work done early.  Really low energy this morning.  Bench Press: 165 pounds- 5,3,2.  Deadlift: 320 pounds- 5,3,2.  Harder than it should have been.  Afternoon nap.

September 12- 181 pounds. Single clean and jerk: 32: 8/8, 18/18; 28k- 31/31.  I tried the 28k set before lunch, and got 13 with the left arm before quitting the set- it was too soon after the 32k, and my legs just didn't have it.  Came back after lunch and got 31/31- tough, but no problem.  Deadlift: 2 sets of 10 @ 300 pounds, touch and go.  I used straps, because my forearms were cramping from the clean and jerks.  Time to bump the weight up to 315- a 5% increase.  Side press: 32k- 3x3 per arm.  Bench Press: 155 x 5, 10.  Barbell Russian Twists: 3x10 @ 35 lbs.

September 11- 180 pounds. no weightlifting.  Walked about 5 minutes to the field at the elementary school.  Warmed up and stretched, then ran 4 sprints of 55-60 yards each, with 1 to 2 minutes rest and stretching between them.  Stretched and walked home. Stretching, foam rolling, and a hot bath.

September 10- 181 pounds. fasting today from lunch Sunday (yesterday) to sometime this afternoon- around 24 hours.  Woke up at 181 pounds.  Training: single clean and jerk: 32k: 7/7, 15/15; 28k: 25/25.  Deadlift: 300 lbs., 2 sets of 10.  Practice bent press and single clean and jerk: 3-5 singles per arm with a 40k kettlebell.

September 4-9- no training. Went to DC for a few days.  Walked a lot, and ate a lot of junk food.  Came back at 184 pounds.

September 3-  Practiced three poomse (sa jang, oh jang, yook jang).  Bench press: 2x5@ 165.  Windmills: 5 reps per side @ 16k, just for a good stretch.  One arm clean and jerk: 32k- 5/5, 11/11;  28k: 19/19.   Practiced deadlifts: 2 sets of 10 reps with 300 lbs.- very difficult.  According to a 1 rep max calculator I found online, I should be able to deadlift 400 pounds.  I don't know about that.  I did 360 two days ago, and I still had more in the tank.  I'm deadlifting more now than I have in a long time.  I have not done any of this in a rested state.  My powerlifting meet is 10 weeks out, and I'm hoping to break 400 to redeem myself after only pulling 325 at the meet in June.  If I can hit 425, that will be a state record for the 181 pound intermediate 35-39 class in Iron Boy Powerlifting.  At this rate, pulling 400 ten weeks from now might not be that difficult, but 425 might be reaching.  That's my current best plus 65 pounds.

September 2- day off from training

September 1- worked on a building project for a few hours, then a single heavy deadlift: 360 lbs.  This was my first double bodyweight deadlift in three years. It was very heavy, but went up smoothly, and was not a true one rep max.

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