Wednesday, August 14, 2019

March 2019 Training Log

27        186 lb.

26        Went to chiropractor after being jacked up since March 23. Missed those two deadlifts and back tweaked, then it went out Saturday night. Extreme pain and misalignment Sunday through Tuesday. Visually noticeable pelvic misalignment. I think my right gluteus media is weaker than my left, and under the load of the deadlift, allowed my pelvis to drop out of alignment. I’m having to reconsider deadlifting, as well as reducing the weight of my snatches. I’ll think it over for a few days while I rehab, focusing on pullups, dips, and pushups, as well as stretching and mobility.

22        186.75 lb. Deadlift: singles at 135, 205, 255, 275, 300. Missed 315 twice. So for now, my max is 300. I expect this to increase as I spend more time on power cleans and front squats. After a few minutes, 5 pushups every 30 seconds for 10 minutes = 100. Using pushups to balance snatches. Then took a 30 minute hike in the woods.

21        186.75 lb. Clean, squat, and jerk, 145 lb. Power clean, front squat, power jerk. 1 rep OTM for 10m. Then A+A training: ½ snatch, 28k: 5 reps OTM for 40m = 100/100 reps.

19        186.25 lb. Easy basic strength training. Dips: 3x10. Chin-ups: 5x3. Deadlift: singles @ 205, 255, 275, 300 lb. 300 is all I have right now. It went up easier than it has in a long time.  My last attempt at 300 was a failure. 315 or 325 might have been no problem today. Definitely getting stronger! I’ll stay the course, doing barbell clean and jerks and high volume kettlebell lifts several days a week. Maybe I’ll grab a few more plates for my barbell.

18        Barbell clean and jerk, 145 lb. Power clean, front squat, power jerk. 1 rep OTM for 10m. Then 30m of A+A ½ snatch intervals. 5 reps OTM for 30m, 28k = 75/75 reps. Worked on elevating the kettlebell straight upward with minimal effort. Practiced incorporating a strong shoulder shrug and ankle flexion in the pull. Made each rep so much easier. From now on this will be my snatching style.

14        185.25 lb.  Barbell clean and jerk, 140 lb. 1 rep OTM for 10m. Experimented with split clean, but did not like it, so switched back to squat clean. A+A training, 32k: clean, jerk, ½ snatch, push press, swing OTM for 20m. Total of 30m training. 10 reps each barbell clean and jerk, kettlebell clean, jerk, ½ snatch, push press, swing per hand. Not a high volume day, but a good session. 100 total lifts with the 32k.

13        No training. Some pullups throughout the day.

12        187 lb. No kettlebell training today. Did some moving. Barbell clean and jerk, 140 lb. Squat clean, power jerk. 1 rep OTM for 10m. Dips: 3x10. 3-5 sets of 3-5 pullups.

11        Did some lighter sets today. Clean and jerk, 28k: 10 @ 7rpm, hand switch OTM = 70 reps. Rested 12m until full recovery. ½ snatch, 20k: 10m @ 10 rpm, hand switch OTM = 100 reps. Like most Mondays, not a lot of energy. Could have done quit a few more snatches, especially if I did them first. Long cycle felt fast, but not too heavy. I can tell that my A+A training with the 32k has gotten me stronger. The cardio benefits are not bad, but I’ll definitely more running or longer sets to be ready for a competitive 30m set.

7          186 lb. Good session today. Barbell clean and jerk, 135 lb. 1 rep OTM for 10m. Squat clean, power jerk. Immediately followed by A+A kettlebell training with 32k. Did 4m of clean, jerk, ½ snatch, push press, swing. Then switched to 3 clean and jerks OTM for 30m = 90 reps. The 32k kettlebell has never felt lighter. Feeling strong.

6          185.25 lb. Sore from yesterday’s session. No training, but frequent stretching throughout the day.

5          187 lb. Good training session today. 60 minutes total. Barbell clean and jerk, 135 lb. 1 rep OTM for 10m. Full squat clean, power jerk. 50 minutes of A+A training: clean, jerk, ½ snatch, push press, swing. 32k. 250 total reps with a 32k: 25 per arm of clean & jerk, ½ snatch, push press, swing. Heart rate average estimate: 135. Probably 1,000 calories burned.

2          186.5 lb.

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