Wednesday, August 14, 2019

July 2019 Training Log

31        193 lb. Bench press: 2x5 @ 145 lb. Swings, 20k: 5 reps every 30s for 10m = 100 reps. Nice and easy. Deadlift: 5 singles @ 245 lb. Windmill: 5 reps each arm @ 20k. I’m getting into my groove with the deadlift, so it feels easier than ever. Today was the halfway session in the cycle I’m doing. After 4-5 more weeks of pulling 245 most days, I’ll be ready to test. Kettlebell swings nice and easy.

30        193 lb. Tried to do ½ snatch, but left elbow still a little sore. Straight arm training only. Kettlebell swing, 24k: 250 in 20m. Did sets on the :00 and :30. Sets of 10 first 5m, then sets of 5. Deadlift: 5 singles @ 245 lb.  I have not done this many swings in a while, so I was sore afterward.

26        191.5 lb. Today was a heavy day on the Daily Dose deadlift program: 90%. Did 2 rack pulls with 315 lb. to prime my CNS for heavier weight, then loaded the bar to 290 in the rack. Pulled it, then walked it out. Did the first rep as a “top down” deadlift: lowered it to generate tension, then pulled it. Four more singles from the ground. Felt heavy, but not close to limit. Afterward, 20 minutes of easy kettlebell lifting with a 16k: alternating hands doing snatch, press, clean, jerk, swing to switch (1 cycle) did 4 cycles per minute for 20 minutes. 40 reps per arm of each lift, and worked up a good sweat. Then an hour of weed-eating and some light manual labor.

24        ½ snatch: 253 reps in 30m. First 4m: 8rpm @ 24k. Switched to 22k for remainder of set. Minutes 5-28: 8 rpm. 15, 17 reps last two minutes. 24k feels a little heavy, but 22k feels just right. I’ll keep accumulating reps with 22k, and supplement with 24k. Rested a few minutes, then did 2 rack pulls with 405 lb.

23        191.5 lb. Bench Press: 2x5 @ 140 lb. Deadlift: 5 singles @ 245 lb. 1 rack pull and full negative @ 365 lb.  1 more deadlift @ 225 to put it back on the rack to clean up the platform. Throughout the day: 100 pushups, 15 pullups. 60 bodyweight squats.

22        Bench Press: 2x5 @ 140. Deadlift: 5 singles @ 245. Long cycle clean and jerk, 22k: 20m @ 7 rpm = 140 reps. Rested a while, then rack pulls from mid-thigh (4-5 inch pull): 2 reps @ 315 lb. 2 reps @ 405 lb. 1 reps @ 455. Deloaded bar to 315, pulled it, walked it out, and lowered it slowly to the platform.

20        A few pullups throughout the day.

19        Bench press: 2x5 @ 135. Deadlift: 5x1 @ 245 lb. Throughout the day: 100 pushups, 15 pullups.

18        Bench Press: 2x5 @ 135. Deadlift warm up: 1x5 Romanian deadlift @ 135. Deadlift work sets: 5 singles @ 245 lb. ½ snatch, 24k: 30m. Minutes 1-4: 6 rpm. Minutes 5-14: 8 rpm. Minutes 15-30: 6 rpm. Total 200 reps. Throughout the day: 50 pushups, 15 pullups, 20 hindu squats.

17        Bench press: 2x5 @ 135. Deadlift: 5 singles @ 245.

16        Deadlift: 5 singles @ 245 lb. Long cycle clean and jerk, 20k: 30m. 8rpm first 4m, then 6rpm last 26m. 188 reps. Very hot today, so just an easy set to get the reps in.

17        Deadlift: 5 singles @ 275 lb. Unloaded and stacked a trailer load of firewood. In the afternoon, did two hours of light construction.

13        ½ snatch, 22k: 30m. 8rpm first 28m, 16 rpm last 2m = 256 reps. This would be CMS with a 28k kettlebell. I’ve got the technique, the pace, and the time, now I need to ease up the weight. Rested 20m, then deadlift: 3 singles @ 245 lb. Rested a few minutes, then push press, 16k: 6m @ 20rpm = 120 reps.

12        Deadlift: 5 singles @ 245 lb. Jerk, 22k: 5m @ 12 rpm = 60 reps. Hand switch every :30. Swing, 24k: 10 swings on the :30 for 5m = 100 swings. Pullups: 16 easy singles. Dips: 6 easy reps.

11        Deadlift: 5 singles @ 245 lb. Kettlebell clean, 20k: 6m @ 20rpm = 120 reps. Hand switch every :30. Dips: 2x5. Chinups: 2x5.

10        Deadlift: 5 singles @ 245 lb. ½ snatch, 22k: 30m @ 8rpm = 240 reps. Hand switch OTM. Heart rate at end of set over 180 bpm.

9          Deadlift: 5 singles @ 245 lb. Kettlebell clean and press: 5 singles per arm with 28k. Need to make time for another long set soon. Crazy busy week.

8          Quick session: kettlebell clean and press, 18k: 10m @ 10rpm = 100 reps. Hand switch every 5 reps. 3,960 pounds cleaned and pressed in 10m.

6          Deadlift: 5 singles @ 260 lb. Kettlebell clean and press: 2x10/arm with 18k.

4          Clean and jerk, 24k: 12m @ 6 rpm = 96 reps.

3          189 lb.  ½ snatch, 22k: 12m @ 8 rpm = 96 reps. Rested until full recovery, then jerk, 18k: 4m @ 20 rpm = 80 reps. I was hoping for 6m, but my quads could not take it.

2          Quick session today. Deadlift: 5 singles @ 245 lb. Push press, 18k: 6m @ 20 rpm = 120 reps. Almost could not finish this set. The cardio was difficult, but manageable. The real challenge was shoulder and triceps endurance. It got hard to lock out and hold the bell stable by the end of the set.

1          Long cycle clean and jerk, 22k: 24m @ 7 rpm (8rpm first 2m) = 170 reps. About 75% of the number I need for CMS next year with the 32k. Rested a few minutes, then a set of clean and press, 18k: 6m @ 10rpm = 60 reps. I’m sprinkling in pentathlon sets as finishers, trying to work at the maximum pace with the next bell size from the last (and only) time I tested the event.

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