Thursday, January 1, 2015

January 2015 Training Log

Jan. 31- 181 lb.  Last training day of the month.  Long cycle clean and jerk. Warm up: 2x20k: 1 sets of 1m @ 5rpm = 10 reps.  2x18k: 15m @ 5rpm = 75 reps. Over 700 reps with 2x18k this month, in addition to several hundred with 2x20k. Monday I'll start with 2x20k, but leave the 5lb. plates taped to the 16k's so that I can go back to the 18k's if necessary. Finished with Roman chair, 10 reps front and back. Slow and controlled with a deep stretch.

Jan. 30- 180 lb. No training today.

Jan. 29- 181.5 lb. Weight is coming off well. I've been keeping a food log, tracking calories and macronutrients each day.  Feel good, no loss of energy. Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x18k. Warm up: 1m @ 6rpm. 12:10 @ 6 rpm = 73 reps. Rested 1:50, then 1m @ 5 rpm. 1m rest then 1m @ 7rpm. 1m rest then 1:15 @ 12 rpm = 15 reps. 100 total reps in my work sets.  I think this makes  632 reps with 2x18k this month.  Diet today: 1960 calories; 153g. protein, 108g. carbs, 90g. fat.

Jan. 28- 182.5 lb. Early morning fasted cardio.  30 minutes on the Nordic Track.  First 26:30 at an easy pace, average heart rate 130.  Last 3:30 I turned up the resistance by 50% and kept the same pace.  Ended with a heart rate of 170.  Burned about 380 calories.

Jan. 27- 183.5- back down after Sunday's over-eating. Feeling stiff and tired after yesterday's volume work with 2x20k.  Did long cycle with 2x18k: 10m @ 6 rpm.  I'm glad to have gotten to the point where a 10 minute set is an easy day! I'm pleased with how training is going, approaching it from the perspective of longer sets, with my competition goal numbers as a minimum.  By the end of February or the middle of March, I hope to "own" 15 minutes with 2x20k, and be ready to tape 5 lb. plates on.  If I can get 15 minutes with 2x22k by the first part of May, then hitting 60 reps with 2x24k at the Throwdown should be a very reasonable goal. 

Jan. 26- 185 lb. Long cycle clean and jerk. Warm up: 2x24k: 1 @ 6rpm. 2x20k: 1m @ 8rpm.  Modified Merkullin Pyramid with 2x20k @ 6rpm. 1m, 2m, 3m, 4m, 4m, 1m = 90 reps. 2m rest periods between sets.  Could not finish the second 3m set, stopped after 1m. Rested 1m then did a sprint of 10 reps in 50 seconds to make an even 100 reps in my work sets. I'll use the 18k's through the end of January (this week), then start some long sets with 20k's.  I'll fall back to the 18k's if necessary. Rested a few minutes, then did 10 easy squats with 135, then 30 jump squats with 135.

Jan. 25- 183.5 lb. No training today.  Ate an uncomfortably large lunch, then a light dinner. 

Jan. 24- 183.5 lb. Easy cardio on the Nordic Track. 60 minutes of skiing at an average heart rate between 120 and 130. About 700 calories burned.

Jan. 23- 184 lb. Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x18k: 15m @ 6rpm = 90 reps.  Conditioning held out fine.  Nothing really started to go first, just systemic fatigue.  Could have gone longer, but this was deep enough into the suck for me. Video:  Rested about 10m, then 3 deadlift singles @ 300lb.  Video:

Jan. 22- 184 lb.  Some easy recovery cardio and movement today after yesterday's volume session: 15 minutes of juggling practice with a 12k kettlebell.  Freestyling outside in the sunshine.  Rested a few minutes, then did jump squats with 135 lb. 2 sets of 20, 2 sets of 30.  100 reps total.

Jan. 21- 184.5 lb.  Long cycle clean and jerk.  Warm up: 1m @ 6 rpm with 2x18k, 1m @ 2x24k. Merkullin pyramid with 2x18k. 1m, 2m, 3m, 4m, 4m, 3m, 2m, 1m @ 6rpm. 1m rest between sets. 20m of work in 27m, 120 reps. A good way to get volume and cardio. Recovered quickly between sets.  I can see a big difference in my conditioning.  After this session and shower, I feel great. Backing off the weight and getting more volume on long cycle is treating me well. Came back a few hours later and did 4 deadlift singles with 300 lb.

Jan. 20- 184 lb. Yesterday I cut a gash in the knuckle of my first finger, left hand, with an angle grinder.  No clean and jerks today.  Did some old-school WWII-era bodyweight calisthenics. 10 reps each of high jump, bend and reach, squat thrust, lying rows, bottoms up, squat benders, push ups, side bends, floor wipers, standing trunk rotations, squat jumps, trunk rotations- bending forward. Basic strength and mobility. Followed with a 2-mile run/walk. Ran 1 mile in 13:00, then walked 21:00.

Jan. 19- easy fasted, early morning cardio- 30 minutes on the Nordic Track, pulse in the 130's most of the time.

Jan. 18- no training

Jan. 17- 184.5 lb. Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x18k: 1m warm up @ 6rpm, then 13m @ 6rpm = 78 reps. This is the longest I have taken the 18k's.  Conditioning held out fine at this pace, grip was starting to fatigue.  I'll be doing 15m sets with this weight by the end of the month.  No additional training today.

Jan. 16- 184.5 lb. Cardio today. Walked 4m to warm up, then ran 2 miles in 23:30.  Did not stop to walk- second time.  Walked about 4-5m to cool down, then stretched. Total cardio a little over 30m. Check it off the list.

Jan. 15- 183.5 lb.  Been focusing on portion size, more protein, fewer carbs.  Swings, simple and sinister format. 10 on the :00 and :30 for 5:00, alternating hands.  Did second minute with 40k, all others with 32k. 100 swings in 5:00 (80 with 32k, 20 with 40k).

Jan.. 14- 184 lb. Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x18k: 1m warm up @ 6rpm, then 5m, 4m, 3m, 2m, 1m @ 6rpm, 2m rest between sets.  Added a quick four reps to the last 1m set to make an even 100 reps. Focused on making each rep as smooth and easy as possible, and on minimizing shoulder involvement in jerks.  Rested a while, then 5m of swings with 16k.  Switched hands every 1:00 or :30, about 33-34 rpm pace.  Probably 165 swings.  Kept going until a little low back fatigue showed up, then stopped.  Later, came back and did five easy deadlifts @ 205 lb., two conventional and three sumo, and 5 easy bench presses @ 135 lb.

Jan. 13- 186 lb.  Did some easy early morning fasted cardio: walked 4m at easy warm up pace, then ran 1 mile in 12m.  Walked for 20m at moderate pace.  Total: 36 minutes.  HR at end of mile: 180.  HR during walking probably 120-130.  Online calculators say about 450 calories burned- about 12.5 per minute.  Does this seem high?   Later, 5 minutes of easy juggling practice with 12k.  Five singles each of squat @ 205 lb., bench press @ 165 lb., deadlift @ 255 lb.

Nutrition is a problem for me.  I eat pretty much what I want, as much as I want. In an effort to make better choices, I'll blog some of my eating here.
   4 cups of coffee with Stevia extract and nondairy creamer.
   1 cup cottage cheese with 1/2 banana:  27g protein, 24g carbs, 210 calories.
   2 eggs, toast with honey: 13g protein, 29g carbs, 270 calories.
   1 can of tuna with a tbsp. of mayo: 22g protein, 0g carbs, 200 calories.
   1.5 cups milk, 6 Oreos: 16g protein, 68g carbs, 545calories.
   Beef and vegetable stir-fry: unknown values.  Fresh vegetables, olive oil, lean ground beef.

Jan. 12- 186 lb.- Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x18k: 12m @ 6rpm = 72 reps.  HR at end of set = 184 bpm.  Rested a few minutes, then explosive quarter squats: 10 reps @ 205 lb., 2x10 reps @ 255.

Jan. 10- 186 lb.- 10 minutes of easy kettlebell juggling practice with a 12k.  Just practice and movement. 

Jan. 9-   Left shoulder sore and tight from last night's training. Snake oil, hot pack, rest, mobility work. Late evening training: 15m of nonstop swings with 12k, sport style.  Changed hands on the minute for 14m, then h2h for the last minute.  Pace is 33-34 rpm, so about 500 swings. Third day of 10m or longer sets of something. Rested a while, then squat and deadlift: 5 singles @ 195lb. and 255 lb., respectively.  Skipped the bench press to rest the shoulder.

Jan. 8- Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x16: 1m @ 8 rpm. 2x18k: 1m @ 6 rpm; 10m @ 6rpm.

Jan. 7- 185 lb. Long cycle clean and jerk: 3 rounds of 1 rep each with 2x32k, 2x24k, 2x16k.  10m @ 6rpm with 2x16k = 60 reps.  2x20k: 2m @ 6rpm.  Squat: 3 singles @ 195 lb. 32k half snatch, 12 reps per arm.

Jan. 6- Some easy GPP.  Went on a 23-minute run/walk.  Stopped and did 100 jumping jacks at one point.  Nothing too hard, just kept moving.  Later, 5 singles each of deadlift @ 235, bench press @ 160, squat @ 195.  Nothing really felt heavy- probably well within the 70% range I'm trying for, but have not tested maxes.  Focus on clean, powerlifting legal reps (pause at top and bottom of bench, below parallel squat, etc.).

Jan 5- 185.5 lb. Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x24k: 1m on, 1m off for 31 minutes @ 5rpm. 16 sets of 5 = 80 reps.  Focus on smooth technique, relaxation, and speed under the bells.  Rested a few minutes then 5 singles each of squat @ 195lb., bench press @ 160lb., deadlift @ 235lb.

Jan 4- off

Jan 3- 185 lb. Went on an early morning 2 mile run.  This is the first time I have ever run 2 miles without stopping to walk.  I did it in 22:28. Walked a few minutes before and after for about 30 minutes of cardio.  Stretched a few minutes.  My cardio is definitely improving- if I had done this kind of training last year, I’d be rank 1 now.  In the last few weeks I’ve done several 20-25 minute sets of long cycle with the 16k’s, and hit a volume PR of triple digits in a session with the 20k’s. I’ve done sessions as long as an hour on the Nordic Track.  I’ve hit a time PR in my mile run (9:13), and now a distance PR for two miles straight running.  I’m looking forward to what this year holds for my training!

Jan. 2- A little barbell lifting during a busy day.  5 singles each of squat @ 185, bench press @ 160, deadlift @ 225.

Jan. 1- 184 lbs. Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x16k: 25m @ 5 rpm = 125 reps. This is a PR for time and reps.  Mentally hard to do, but grip, conditioning, shoulders, and legs held out fine.   Rested a while then did five singles each of squat @ 185 lb., bench press @ 160 lb., deadlift @ 225 lb.

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