Tuesday, December 2, 2014

December 2014 Training Log

Dec. 31- Early session on the Nordic Track, 20m.  An easy session after yesterday's volume work with the 20k's.  Afternoon barbell work: 5 easy singles of squat @ 185, bench press @ 150, and deadlift @ 225.

Dec. 30- 185.5 lbs. Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x20k: 3 sets of 5m @ 6rpm with 5m rest, then 2m, 3m @ 6rpm with 1m rest between sets. Total reps: 120.  Total time lifting: 20m. Total time: 36m. Total volume =200% of goal reps with 80% of goal weight at goal pace. Long cycle tonnage today: 10,560 lb.  Barbell lifts: 3 singles each of squat @ 185 lb., bench press @ 150 lb., deadlift @ 225.  Stretched on Roman chair, hung from chin up bar.  A very good session!

Dec. 29- 185.5 lbs.  Early morning session: 60 m on the Nordic Track.  Spot checks on pulse averaged to about 135.  Nose breathing the whole time.  About 800 calories burned.  Stopped at 1 hour, but felt fine and could have kept going.  Twenty minutes later, I felt fully recovered, like I had not trained at all. This is good- my O2 uptake and recovery are improving.  Mid-day session: Bench press- 5 singles @150 lb.  Squat: 5 singles @ 185 lb. Deadlift: 5 singles @ 225 lb. All reps are estimated about 70% max (200, 260, 315, respectively).  Nothing felt too heavy. Just breaking into these movements again to build more strength.  I'm using Justa's singles program to slowly increase my max strength in compound movements with low volume and high frequency in a way that should not compromise my conditioning goals. The basic plan is to use the yellow and purple kettlebells to increase work capacity in long cycle, use running and the Nordic Track to get in steady-state cardio, and the powerlifts to get stronger.   My next meet is May 30, six months away.  I'll get into a cycle of 24k before then.  A cycle of long, light sets combined with running and barbell should get me ready for more serious work with the green bells.

Dec. 28- 187 lbs.  I'm happy with that- only 2.5 pounds gained on a weeklong cruise.  Some is probably water from the salty food, and I could use some fiber.  I'll be back on track soon.  Training session this afternoon: long cycle clean and jerk, 2x16k: 20m @ 6rpm = 120 reps. Legs, shoulders and grip felt fine.  This set was tough mentally and systemically.  Pulse at end of set was over 200, but no panic breathing and very little extra tension. Using the yellow bells for increasing work capacity at or faster than rank pace.

Dec. 21-27- Went on a cruise to the Bahamas.  No hard training, but I did a total of 80 pullups during the week, and walked 2 miles on the track one day and 3 miles another day.  55 pushups one day.  Mostly resting, eating, and playing.  I did enter the "beach Olympics" on the private island. 18 men entered, mostly college age.  I placed 5th in various events comprised of crab walking, swimming, and sprinting. Not too bad, considering I'm old enough to be most of those men's father.  Ate junk all day, but tried to eat meat and vegetables for supper. 

Dec. 20- 184.5 lb. (ate out pizza last night, then movie popcorn).  Long Cycle Clean and Jerk, 2x20k: 5m @ 6rpm, rest 3m, 6m @ 6 rpm.  Rest 3m then sprint sets of 9,5,5,5,10 in 5:03 to make an even 100 reps. Put bells down between sprint sets.  100 reps in 16m work, 22m total. 100 reps in a session with 2x20k is a recent PR, maybe a lifetime PR.  No sets were to failure, and within 5 minutes after reaching 100 reps, I was looking for something else to do. Recovering like never before.  Lots of hardstyle swings and long, light sets of long cycle are doing me good.  Update: rested about 45 minutes, then ran a mile in 9:13.  My fastest ever.  Previous PR was 9:33 on November 12.  Two PR's in one day.  I should take a break before I burn out.

Dec. 19- 183.5 lb. Did swings and get-ups today.  Met the Simple goal from Simple and Sinister: 100 swings with a 32k kettlebell in 5:00. Rested 1m, then 10 get ups in 8:41.  Finished in 14:41 what is prescribed for 16:00 in the book.  Felt strong throughout.  I'm at a good point in my training.  I'll train tomorrow, then take some rest for Christmas. 

Dec. 18- 183 lb. Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x16k: 10m @ 5rpm = 50 reps.  An easy set well within the 50%-70% effort range.  Rested four minutes, then one arm long cycle, 20k: 10m @ 6rpm, hand switch on the minute. Snatch, 16k: 2 minutes @ 16 rpm, 1 hand switch.  Clean and press: the chain- 12k, 16k, 20k, 24k.  5 times through the chain = 20 clean and presses per arm. Then some light yard work. Feel good today.  Came back later and supersetted sets of 10 two-arm swings @24k with 5 bench presses @ 135lb.  5 sets = 50 swings, 25 bench presses.

Dec. 17- 184 lb.  Nordic Track, 25 minutes of easy early in the morning. Pulse at end was 150.

Dec 16- Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x16k: 20m @ 5 rpm = 100 reps.  Pulse at the end was 200, and I was breathing hard, but did not feel close to exhaustion.  Could have kept going, in terms of cardio, legs, and shoulders.  Grip was close to the edge, as was my right foot (not calf). Recovered quickly. Technique felt clean and efficient throughout the set.

Dec 15- Swings, 24k: 10 swings on the minute for 10m = 100 swings.  Jerks, 2x16k: 1m on, 1m off @ 12 rpm for 20m = 120 jerks.  Total time training = 30m of swing and jerk intervals. 

Dec 12-14- no training.  A little sore and stiff.

Dec 11- 181.5 lb.  Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x16k: 6m @ 6rpm.  Swings, 24k: 10 on the minute for 30 minutes = 300 swings.  One hand swings, alternating per minute.  Average heart rate 145. 

Dec 10- 181.5 lb.  Lower back feeling much better.  Hunting again today.  Got a nice doe.  Some easy hiking, then loading, unloading, skinning, and butchering.  I understand why butchers have strong hands!  After two days of butchering deer, my hands are sore.  I've been lifting kettlebells for years, but it takes me about four hours to skin a deer, cut it into major pieces, then bring them in and process all the meat. On the upside, I have 25 quarts of deer roast canned, more in the fridge to can, and a lot of tenderloin for steaks.  We will eat well for the next few months.  Anyone for organic, free-range, hormone-free, humanely-killed meat?

Dec 11- no weight training.  Hunting.  About an hour and a half of hiking hills.  Got a small doe.  About four hours of cleaning and butchering.  A physically active day.  There is no way I could do this if not for my kettlebell training.

Dec. 8- 184 lb. A little stiff in the lower back today- probably all the fast jerks.  Nordic Track: 25 minutes.  Heart rate at end: 140.  Cleaned out garage afterward.

Dec. 7- Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x16k: 12m @ 6rpm = 72 reps.  Jerk, 2x16k: 20 reps in 1m.

Dec 6- no training today.

Dec. 5- Tired from yesterday, but needed some training. Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x16k: 1m @ 8rpm; 6:30 @ 8rpm (52 reps), 3m @ 10 rpm (30 reps).  Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x18k: 1m @ 4 rpm, 10m @ 4 rpm (40 reps).  2x24k: 2m @ 5rpm (10 reps).  Total of 90 reps with 2x16k, 44 reps with 2x18k, 10 reps with 2x24k.

December 4- no training.  Long work day- up at 4 am, worked until 9 pm.

December 3- Simple and sinister swings, 28k: 100 in 5m.  Rested 1m, started get ups.  Got 2 reps per arm before stopped for an interruption. 

Dec. 2- Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x16k: 14m @ 7 rpm.  10 rep sprint the last minute, for 101 reps in 14m. Rested a while, then Simple and Sinister, 28k.  100 swings in 5m, 1m rest, then 10 get ups in 10m.  Right now, 28k is the sweet spot for swings.

Dec. 1- no weight training, but a physically active day.  Went hunting.  Got a nice buck, dragged it out, loaded it, brought it home and processed it.  Call it a variety day.

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