Sunday, March 2, 2014

March 2014 Training Log

March 31- Long cycle clean and jerk- 2x28k: 5 reps @ 4rpm; 2x24k: 3m @ 6rpm = 18 reps.  2x20k: 15, 16 reps @ 8rpm.  Dips and chins: 7 sets of 5.  24k one-arm swings: 5 sets of 10/10. 

March 29- Chin ups- 10 sets of 5.  Dips: 10 sets of 5.

March 28- did not weigh.  Long cycle clean and jerk- 2x28k: 2m @ 4rpm = 8 reps.  2x24k: 4.5m @ 6rpm = 27 reps.  This was a mini-peak in my 8 week training cycle.  I was scheduled for 22, 24 reps with 2x20k, but my grip was not holding up at the end of my 2x24k set.  Finished with 10 rounds of 5 bodyweight dips and 5 beast (49k) swings. 50 dips, 50 swings.

March 27- did not weigh, no training.

March 26- 183 lb. Long cycle clean and jerk- 2x28k: 7 reps @ 4rpm (felt strong, could have made 10 reps). 2x24k: 4m @ 6rpm = 24 reps.  2x20k: 19, 21 reps @ 8rpm.  One arm swings, 24k: 20/minute for 5m = 100 reps.  Nordic track: 20 minutes at about 140 bpm (+- 273 calories burned on Nordic Track).  About 36 minutes of work, at an average heart rate of probably 160, for about 600 calories total.  A few hours later, came back for some bodyweight strength training- dips: 5 sets of 10.  Chin ups: 5 sets of 5.  Atlas pushups: 5 sets of 10. 

March 24- 182.5 lb. No serious training- played around with single and double Viking push press with 16k.  Just moving a little.

March 24- did not weigh.  Long cycle clean and jerk- 2x28k: 6 reps @ 4rpm.  2x24k: 21 reps @ 6rpm.  2x20k: 17, 19 reps @ 8 rpm. A few swings with a 49k kettlebell, some easy presses, clean and presses with 24k.

March 21-23- drove over 1,000 miles this weekend, ate mostly junk on the road, and loaded and unloaded a moving truck.  Exhausting. No training, but lots of work.

March 20- did not weigh.  Long cycle clean and jerk- 2x28k: 6 reps @ 4rpm. 2x24k: 19 reps @ 6rpm.  2x20k: 16, 17 reps @ 8 rpm.  Barbell hang clean and press, 90 pounds: 8,6,4,2 = 20 reps. Barbell power clean and jerk, 130 pounds: 2 sets of 5 singles = 10 reps.

March 19- 182 lb.

March 18- 181.5 lb. Long cycle clean and jerk- 2x28: 5 reps @ 4rpm.  2x24k: 16 reps @ 6rpm.  2x20k: 15, 16 reps @ 8rpm. 

March 17- 181 lb. Long cycle clean and jerk- 2x28k: 1m @ 4rpm.  2x24k: 2:20 @ 6rpm = 14 reps. 2x20k: 1:30, 1:38 @ 8rpm = 12+13=25 reps.  Barbell work: power cleans, presses, front squat.  All 8,6,4,2 = 20 reps with a 90 pound bar.  Roman chair situps: 8,6,4,2= 20.  Nordic Track: 15 minutes.  First 5 minutes regular skiing, minutes 6-11 doing heavyhands with 2.5lb weights, last 4 minutes skiing again.

March 16- did not weigh, no training.

March 17- did not weigh, built a 10x20 foot deck from scratch in the hot sun.  About 9 hours of hard manual labor.  Ate too much at the Chinese buffet.

March 14- did not weigh.  Heavy training day.  Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x24k: 1m @ 5rpm. 5m @ 5rpm = 25 reps. 4 sets of 2m @ 5rpm.  Total reps: 70. Strength training: power cleans, 85 lb.: 8,6,4,2 = 20 (total power cleans = 28- cleans for presses and front squats).  Press, 85lb.: 8,6,4,2=20. Front squat, 85lb.: 8,6,4,2=20. Roman chair situps: 8,6,4,2=20.  Ended with 20 minutes on the Nordic Track at a heart rate of 140-150 (about 80% estimated max), for about 280 calories burned.

Keeping the barbell relatively light at this point.  Power cleans are very easy, so I'm concentrating on bar speed to generate more power.  After long cycle, presses are a bit of a challenge, and front squats could be much heavier, but I'm taking it easy on the knee.  Over the next few weeks I'll increase the weight. 

March 13- did not weigh, no training

March 12- 180.5 lb.  Medium training day.  Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x20k: 8:10 @ 6rpm, with second minute at 8rpm.  51 reps. Power clean, 85lb.: 8,6,4.  Press, 85 lb.: 8,6,4.  Front squat, 85 lb.: 8,6,4.  Roman chair situps: 8,6,4. Chin ups: 8,6,4.

March 11- 182.5 lb.  Dips: 5x5.  Chins: 5x5. Atlas pushups: 5x5.  Barbell military press, 85lb.: 8,6,4.  Barbell Power Clean, 85lb.: 8,6,4.  Tried a few squats with this bar, but knee still does not like it.  Just getting reacquainted with these barbell lifts.  Will probably incorporate the barbell for presses, power cleans, and front squats, along with dips, chins, and the Roman chair for general strength training on variety days, perhaps on light day as well.  Sold Olympic bars, bench, and rack, so I'm using a standard exercise bar.  I can load it to 150, which should be enough for the kind of training I'm doing- assistance work, not powerlifting.

March 10- did not weigh. Light training day.  Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x16k: 1m @ 10 rpm. 1m @ 8rpm. 8:40m, alternating between 8rpm and 10 rpm.  77 reps.  Just ran out of gas at this pace.  Did 5 more to make it an even 100 reps.  Finished with 5 jerks, 5 cleans @ 2x28k.

March 9- did not weigh. Out of town, so did a little bodyweight training.  Pushups: 5 sets of 10.  Bodyweight squats: 6 sets of 6. Lying leg raises: 2 sets of 10. Step ups on a bench knee-high: 2 sets of 10 per leg.

March 8- did not weigh, no training.

March 7- 181 lb. Heavy training day. Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x24k: 5m @ 4 rpm = 20 reps. 2m @ 6rpm = 12 reps.  2m @ 6rpm = 12 reps. 1m @ 6 rpm = 6 reps. 1m @ 6rpm = 6 reps.  1m @ 6rpm =6 reps. 1m @ 6rpm = 6 reps. Total Reps: 72. 20% increase over last Friday's volume with the 24k's.

March 6- did not weigh, no training.

March 5- 179.5 lb.  Medium training day.  11 am. Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x20k: 10m @ 6rpm = 60 reps.  Step ups on 8 inch block: 20 reps per leg with 105 lb. barbell. Romainian deadlifts: 10 reps with 105 lb. barbell.  Chest bumps, 2x28k: 2m @ 8rpm = 16 reps.

March 4- 180 lb.  Bodyweight circuit ladders: 3 rounds of 1,2,3,4,5 of chin-ups, dips, atlas pushups, and Roman chair situps.  45 reps of each.  Can't squat without knee pain, but did step ups on a cinder block (8 inches) with two 16k bells: 20 reps per leg.

March 3- 179 lb. Light training day. 10 am.  Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x16k: 10m @ 8rpm = 80 reps.  I could perhaps have gone a minute or two longer, but I don't think I could have gone faster and made 10m.  Next week I'll incorporate a few 10rpm minutes into the set, and see how it goes.  Did about 5 minutes of easy cooldown, then 10m of heavyhands walking with 5 lb. plates.  Finished with 50 sissy dips. 

March 2- 179 lb.  Bodyweight training: chins, atlas pushups, dips- 2 ladders of 1,2,3,4,5 = 30 reps each movement.  Indian club swinging: 100 circular swings in front of the body and behind the head (don't know the proper name for this movement) per arm with a  2lb. club.  50 shield casts per arm with 2lb. club.

March 1- did not weigh.  No training.

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