Tuesday, April 1, 2014

April 2014 Training Log

April 30-  183.5 lb.  Full-blown strep throat.  No training today.

April 29.  Still sick.  Tomorrow will be a week since I've been able to do any training.  I went down today and did a few cleans with 2x32k.  A couple of sets of 4 or 5.  Not enough to get me coughing, just enough feel something heavy.  These actually felt stronger than they have in the past, probably due to working up to several minutes with the 28k's.   Came back in the afternoon for a quick session of long cycle. 2x32k: 1 rep at the top of every minute for 10 minutes.  Put bells down between reps. 2x24k: 2m @ 8rpm = 16 reps. 2x16k: 2m @ 10rpm = 20 reps.  Just getting back into the groove.

April 28- 183.5 lb.  No training since April 23.  I have a raging sinus infection and cough.  Somewhat better today. 

April 23- 182.5 lb.   Started the day with 30 minutes on the Nordic Track, nasal breathing only.  Maintained about 124 bpm, for a total calorie burn of 330 calories.   Long cycle clean and jerk- 2x28k: 2:30 @ 4rpm = 10 reps. 2x24k: 3m @ 6rpm = 18 reps. 2x20k: 15, 17 reps @ 6rpm.  I was scheduled for a much tougher session today.  Today and Friday were to be the last peak in my current six week cycle, calling for 35 reps today and 37 reps Friday with 24k. I've done an extra 10 hours so far this week of manual labor in the sun, and am really dragging.  I had already decided to skip the test at the end of this cycle and just start another cycle, which would have me testing in mid-June.  This cycle starts with about half the volume as the planned session today, so it's a nice break.  This should take me to 60+ reps in June. 

April 22- Did not weigh.  No weight training, but about six hours of building.

April 21- 184 lb. Long cycle clean and jerk- 2x28k: 2:15 @ 4 rpm = 9 reps.  2x24k: 5:20 @ 6rpm = 32 reps. 2x20k: 26, 28 reps at 6 rpm.  Then worked on building my deck for about four hours.

April 20- Christ is risen indeed!  183.75 lb.  No training, but carried a large load of lumber from the garage to the deck out back, just a few boards at a time, nasal breathing.  Made this my cardio for the day- easy loaded carries and fast walking.  Heart rate about 120. Total time: 55 minutes.  About 580 calories.  Then cleaned up the gym. Finished with two easy sets of barbell back squats: 10 reps with 110 lb.  Cleaned the bar, push pressed it and lowered behind the back, did 10 squats, then push pressed again to the front and put it down. Old school.  I sold my oly bar, so this is a 1 inch exercise bar.

April 19- 184 lb. Long cycle clean and jerk- 2x28k: 2:15 @ 4 rpm = 9 reps.  2x24k: 5:00 @ 6rpm = 30 reps. 2x20k: 2:53@ 8rpm = 23 reps.  Rested about four minutes then got on the Nordic Track ski machine for 60 minutes of nonstop skiing, nasal breathing, at an average heart rate of 125. Burned about 685 calories skiing.  Probably another 225 calories burned lifting, for about 900 total. 

Weekly Summary: Cardio: 305 minutes.  

April 18- did not weigh, no training.

April 17- 184 lb.  Long cycle clean and jerk- 2x28k: 2m @ 4rpm = 8 reps.  2x24k: 4:10 @ 6rpm = 25 reps.  2x20k: 21, 23 reps @ 8rpm.  Cardio- used the Nordic Track with legs only, like a treadmill.  30 minutes @ 120 bpm, nose-breathing. About 300 calories.

April 16- 184 lb. No training today.  Started the next session in the template, but just did not have the energy.  Did long cycle, 2x28k: 2m @ 4rpm.  Started a set with 2x24k, but decided to call it a day.  Looking back, I've been training hard lately, so an extra day off might be a good idea.

April 15- 184 lb. early morning, did 30 minutes on the Nordic Track.  Used nose breathing the whole time, and worked at a light, comfortable heart rate of 120 bpm.  Burned about 320 calories.  Mid-day, took an easy walk with Dawn.  Walked about 22 minutes, talked to a guy for 20 minutes, then walked 22 minutes back.  In the afternoon, did circuits of 5 reps each: chins, dips, Roman Chair situps, Roman Chair back raises.  7circuits, with plenty of rest between them. I keep getting advice that I need to build my aerobic base with lots of easy cardio, then hit the hard, fast glycolytic work for a peak closer to a meet.  Apparently, LSD will build a bigger cardio bucket, then glycolytic training, like yesterday's swings and skiing at 180 bpm, will fill the bucket quickly.

April 14- 183.5 lb.  Long cycle clean and jerk- 2x28k: 1:45 @ 4rpm = 7 reps.  2x24k: 3:40 @ 6rpm = 22 reps.  2x20k: 18, 20 reps @ 8rpm.  Rested 2-3m between sets.  Did revised program minimum- swings plus Nordic Track.  5 swings each arm with a 28k bell at the top of each minute, then skied the rest of the minute.  Did this for 15 minutes, at an average heart rate of 180, which is near my maximum.  Finished by skiing for 5 minutes, ended with a heart rate of 168. 

April 13- 184.5 lb. Cardio- Nordic Track ski machine: 10 minutes, then immediately 20 minutes of 10 24k swings (one arm) at the top of the minute, followed by skiing for the remainder of the minute.  Took about 22 seconds to dismount the ski machine, do 10 swings, and get back to skiing.  200 swings.  Total session: 30 minutes. Average heart rate about 145. Ended with a heart rate of 168.  Later, mowed the yard for about 90 minutes, then pressure washed the driveway for about three hours.

April 12- 183 lb.  Long cycle clean and jerk- 2x28k: 2:30 @ 4rpm = 10 reps. 2x24k: 5:20 @ 6rpm = 32 reps.  2x20k: 26, 29 reps @ 8rpm.  Almost 14 minutes of time under the bells.  Today was the second mini peak in my current training cycle.  The next lifting session will be drop the workload significantly, then work up to a final mini peak, before a test.  The template takes me to 37 reps with 2x24k in the last scheduled peak, then tests with a goal of 60.  It also has me doing sets over 4m @ 8rpm with 2x20k.  I'm doing extra conditioning work as well, so I'm optimistic that when I test I'll beat my best of 45 reps, and get close to my goal of 60.  I may slow down the template and add in some 10 minute sets as well, like 4 rpm with the 24k's, and 6 rpm with the 20k's.  My heart rate at the end of the 20k sets @ 8rpm is about 180, so this takes me to my max heart rate- it's simply a matter of keeping it there longer.

April 11- 183 lb.  day off from training.

April 10- 183 lb. Grease the groove chin ups: 8 sets of 8 throughout the day = 64 reps.  Practiced a few kata throughout the day.

April 9- 183.25 lb.  Long cycle clean and jerk- 2x28k: 9 reps @ 4rpm. 2x24k: 29 reps @ 6rpm. 2x20k: 24, 26 reps @ 8rpm.  Took my time between sets; took about an hour to do all these.  Nordic Track: 45 minutes at average heart rate of about 135 bpm.  About 550 calories burned on the ski machine.  Building that aerobic base!

April 8- 182.5. day off from training after 7 days of training.

April 7- 183 lb.  Long cycle clean and jerk- 2x28: 2m @ 4rpm = 8 reps.  2x24k: 4.5m @ 6rpm = 27 reps.  2x20k: 22, 24 reps @ 8rpm. 2-4 m rest between sets.  Nordic Track: 30m @ an average heart rate of 145 bpm= about 430 calories.  Rested 2-3 minutes, then a couple of loaded carries with 2x16k kettlebells.

April 6- 184.25 lb. Early morning GPP: 30 minutes of heavyhands walking, interspersed with easy jogging and jumping jacks.  Used 2.5 and 8 pound weights switching up every few laps.  Average heart rate: 140-145.  Estimated calories burned: 400-425.  Rested a few minutes, then did about 15 minutes of easy kata practice.  Have not practiced my forms in a while.

April 5- did not weigh.  AM session: 30 minutes on the Nordic Track.  Average heart rate: 130.  Estimated calories burned: 364.  A couple of carries with a 50 pound sandbag- just down the street and back.  Afternoon- mowed grass for 20 minutes.

April 4- 183.5 lb. Long cycle clean and jerk- 2x28k: 7 reps @ 4rpm; 2x24k: 4m @ 6rpm = 24 reps; 2x20k: 19, 21 reps @ 8rpm.  20 minute walk with a 40 pound weight vest.

April 3- 183.25 lb.  Combined steady-state cardio and strength training today: 30 minutes of continuous Turkish Get Ups with one arm floor press: 16k.  Approximately 30 reps per arm. Average heart rate 150, which is about 80% of my max- perfect for steady-state cardio.  Approximately 450 calories burned in 30 minutes.  Quite a workout- I'll do this again!  Beats running or Nordic Track!

April 2- 183.5 lb.  Long cycle clean and jerk- 2x28k: 1:30 @ 4rpm = 6 reps.  2x24k: 3:30 @ 6 rpm = 21 reps.  2x20k: 17, 19 reps @ 8rpm. Shoveled a lot of dirt, plus some light construction projects for several hours. Did grease the groove chin ups throughout the day: 5 easy sets of 8.

April 1- clean and press, 24k: 1,2,3 easy reps per arm.  Chin ups: 1,2,3.  Worked in the yard for several hours, then a Simple and Sinister session: 100 one-arm swings in 5m (10 on the :30, alternating L and R), 1m rest, then 1 get up on the minute for 10 minutes, alternating L and R.  All with a 28k  bell.

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