Monday, June 3, 2013

June 2013 Training Log

June 30- LCCJ, 2x24k: 6m @ 4rpm = 24 reps.  3 sets of 1m jerks @ 12rpm, 1m rest, 1m cleans @ 12rpm. 

June 29- no training

June 28- Chin ups: 7,6,6,5,4 = 28.  Dip: 7,6,6,5,4= 28.  Pistols: 5,4,3,2,2 = 16.

June 27- Chin ups: 7,6,5,5,4 = 27.  Dips: 7,6,5,5,4 = 27. Pistol squats: 5,4,3,2,1 = 15.  Long cycle clean and jerk: 1m, 3m @ 6rpm; 1m, 5m @ 4rpm.  Total: 50 reps, 10m work.  6 rpm is not letting me breathe enough to keep going, so I'm going to build some volume with 4 rpm.

June 26- no training today.

June 25- Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x24k: 5m @ 6rpm = 30 reps. Pulse at end of set: 192 bpm. Estimated calories- about 100.  Nordic Track: 20m.  Estimated calories- about 350.  Tilled garden with a beast of a rear tine tiller for 45 minutes.  Came back later and did chins: 7,6,5,4,4 = 26; dips; 7,6,5,4,4 = 26; pistol squats: 4,4,3,2 = 13.

June 24- Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x24k: 5m @ 6 rpm.  Nordic Track: 25m (+- 450 calories).  Worked up a good sweat.  Chin ups: 7,6,5,4,3 = 25.  Dips: 7,6,5,4,3 = 25.  Pistols: 4,3,3,2 = 12 per leg.  Bodyweight stuff was pretty hard right after kettlebells and cardio, but I wanted to do it all in one session and hit the showers. 

June 23- no training.  Some yard work.

June 22- Bodyweight 187.  Nordic Track- 30 minutes.  Heart rate at conclusion was 174.  Calculator estimates 565 calories burned.   Chin ups: 6,6,5,4,3 = 24.  Dips: 6,6,5,4,3.  Pistols: 4,3,2,2 = 11 per leg.

June 21- Bodyweight 185.5.  Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x20k: 8m @ 6 rpm = 48 reps.  Having real trouble trying to hit 10m @ 6rpm.  I've done this many times before, but just don't have it in me these last two sessions.  I've cut out the three 30-minute sessions I was doing each week on the Nordic Track leading up to the meet, and my endurance has gone straight downhill.  At least I know  how to fix it.  Chin ups: 6,5,5,4,3 = 23.  Dips: 6,5,5,4,3 = 23.  Pistols: 4,3,2,1 =10 per leg.

June 20- Bodyweight 186.  Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x20k: 5@ 6 rpm =30reps.  2x24k: 2m @ 6 rpm.  2x28k: 5,4,3,2,1 reps @ 5rpm pace.

June 19- Chin ups: 6,5,4,4,3 = 22.  Dips: 6,5,4,4,3 = 22.  Pistols: 3,3,2 = 8 per leg.  Bodyweight: 186.

June 18- Chin ups: 6,5,4,3,3 = 21.  Dips: 6,5,4,3,3 = 21.  Pistols: 3,2,2 = 7 per leg. Played around with Steinborn squats @ 135.  Several sets of 5, just getting a feel for loading and unloading the bar. Gave blood in the afternoon.  Blood pressure was 96/68, pulse was something in the 60's.  Kettlebell training pays off.

June 17- Chin ups: 6,5,4,3,2 = 20.  Dips: 6,5,4,3,2 = 20.  Pistols: 3,2,1 = 6 per leg.  Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x20k: 10m @ 6 rpm = 60 reps.  Stretched and rolled.  Some Roman chair work on the tire.

June 16- no training.  Father's day.  Got "The Stick" rolling device as a gift from a friend.

June 15-  No training scheduled, but did an impromptu chin up test.  10 reps.

June 14- 186 pounds today, 20% body fat.  Plan to do long cycle.  We'll see how the knee feels.
Chin ups: 5,5,4,3,2; dips: 5,5,4,3,2.  Doing the fighter pullup program to increase dips and chins for the next five or six weeks, with a goal of reaching 15 of each.  Started at the same point with pistols, but it's too much.  I need to do lower reps on the pistol- this is too close to failure.   Came back later and did long cycle clean and jerk- 2x16k: 10m @ 8rpm = 80 reps.

I've set a goal to hit a given rep count 5 times in a two week period before I move to the next.  I've hit 80 reps 5 times in 2 weeks with 16k.  I'll start Monday with 2x20k @ 6rpm.  When I hit 60 reps 5 times in 2 weeks, I'll bump to 70 or 80 reps.

June 13- chin ups: 5,4,4,3,2,1; dips: 5,4,4,3,2.  Squats @ 185- 5,4,4,3,2.  Twisted my right knee out of joint today working on a project, so no pistols. Back squats felt okay.

June 12- Chin ups: 5,4,3,3,2; dips: 5,4,3,3,2.  Long Cycle clean and jerk- 2x16k: 10m @ 8 rpm= 80 reps.  One more set of 80, and I'll bump up to 2x20k: 10m @ 6rpm.  Mowed grass and worked in the yard for a few hours.

June 11- Chin ups: 5,4,3,2,1; dips: 5,4,3,2,1; pistols: 5,4,3,2,1.

June 10- Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x16k- 10m @ 8rpm = 80 reps.  Chin ups- 5,4,3,2,2; dips- 5,4,3,2,2; pistols- 5,4,3,2,2 per leg.

June 9- Chin ups- 5,4,3,2,1; Dips- 5,4,3,2,1; Pistols- 5,4,3,2,1 per leg.  50 pushups in sets of 10.

June 8- no training today, but spent the entire day out in the sun, on my feet.

June 7- no training

June 6- no training.

June 5- Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x16k- 10m @ 8rpm = 80 reps.  Humid, sticky, and tough on the hands, even with chalk.  Finished with some basic kettlebell calisthenics: around the body pass, figure 8 to a hold, and windmills.  Shoulders took quite a bit of warming up.  I bench pressed yesterday, and shoulders hurt today.  Just like every other time I've ever bench pressed. 

June 4- Barbell squat- 1 set of 5 @ 135, 5 sets of 2 @ 225.  Bench press: 2x5@ 135.  Deadlift: 5 singles @ 275.  Later in the evening, spent about an hour coaching a friend in the biathlon lifts.

June 3- Long Cycle clean and jerk, 2x16k: 10m @ 8rpm= 80 reps.  Rested a few minutes, then 15 reps long cycle with 2x28, in doubles and triples.  No rush, just working a little heavier.

June 2- No serious training.  Calves very sore from running Warrior Dash, but not as bad as last year.  Swam for about 30 minutes.

June 1- Ran Warrior Dash with a friend.  About a mile and a half in, I told her to go ahead, because I could not keep up and needed to walk a little.  She runs, I don't.  I ran about 1.5 miles at a 10:00 mile pace, for about 15 minutes, which is pretty consistent with my kettlebell training.  At the end of the race, she was stuck in the final mud pit for quite some time.  I managed to get past her, and many other people, by being more aggressive and stronger.  The mud was like crawling through a pit of peanut butter two feet deep.  Many people could not move in it at all, they were simply too weak.  This was not my friend's problem.  She was strong enough to move, but not aggressive enough to push past people.  In the end, strength and a warrior mindset won the day.

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