Monday, July 1, 2013

July 2013 Training Log

July 31- 187.5 lb.  Long cycle clean and jerk- 2x20k: 10m @ 6rpm = 60 reps.  My best ever with  this weight is 70 reps, so this is 86% of my best.  Feeling much better.

July 30- 188 lb.  Jerk-2x24k- 3m @ 6 rpm.  Long cycle- 2x16k- 10m @ 6rpm (8rpm first min.)= 62 reps.  First 10m set in a long time.  A little coughing and wheezing during the set, but made it just fine.  Rest about 5m.  Long cycle- 2x24k: 1m on, 1m off @ 6rpm.  7 sets = 42 reps.  Roman chair sit ups and back raises- 2 sets of 10.

July 29- 187 lb.  First timed set in ages.  Did long cycle, 5rpm.  Drop set: 1m each with 28k, 24k, 20k, 16k, 12k.  5m, 25 reps.  Not great, but better than I've been able to do lately.  Some basic strength and mobility work- dips, chins, roman chair.

July 28- 186.5 lb.  Still not much wind.  Cleans, 2x20k: 6 reps on the minute for 8 minutes = 48 reps. Circuit of dips, Roman Chair situps, and Roman Chair back raises- 3 circuits of ten reps per movement.  Mowed grass for about an hour, taking it slow. 

July 27- 188 lb.  Some Roman Chair work, but no serious training.  Several sets of full situps and back extensions, plus a set of three full situps with 2 12k kettlebells overhead.  Three weeks to the kettlebell meet.

July 26- still a little sick.  Sinuses are open, but lungs are still constricted.  Some light construction work.  Snatches, 24k- 7 sets of 10 reps per arm, spread over about 30m =70/70.  Not enough to aggravate my breathing, but enough to work up a sweat and keep moving.

July 23,24,25- Sick with a sinus infection.  No training. Hope to get back in the game soon.

July 22- Jerk volume day, 2x28k.  5 jerks on the minute (about 25 seconds) for 15 minutes = 75 jerks. 9,225 pounds jerked overhead in 15 minutes. A little swimming in a cold river after supper.

July 21- 189 lb.  Long cycle clean and jerk- 2x28k- 1m @ 5rpm = 5 reps.  2x24k: 3m, 3m, 1.5m @ 6 rpm, 3m rest between sets = 45 reps. Run .8 mile in 9:27.

July 20- legs still sore.  Some jerks, cleans, and long cycle- nothing major.  Mobility and flexibility work.  Dips on new dip stand: 3 sets of 10.

July 19- no training.  Legs pretty sore from yesterday.

July 18- Clean volume day.  70 cleans, 2x24k.  5 on the minute for 10m, then two sets of 10.  Squats, fast, 135lb.  5 on the minute for 5m = 25.

July 17- Jerk volume today.  100 jerks, 2x24k.  First 60 reps in 9m. 

July 16- 188 lb. Long cycle clean and jerk.  Taking advice from a couple of CMS ranked lifters, I'm increasing the volume to get past my plateau.  I think my problems are twofold: conditioning, and mental.  Mentally, I'm just really not motivated right now.  When I get into a set and it hurts, I just want to quit.  Conditioning contributes to this- if my conditioning were better, I could suck it up and finish.  2x24k: 3m @ 5rpm= 15.  1, 2, 1m @ 6rpm = 24. 1m @ 5rpm = 5.  10 minutes of 5 reps on the minute (about 25 seconds), then dropping the bells to rest until the next minute begins = 50 reps in 10m.  50 reps in 10m is a personal best for volume, but I did not rest in the rack the whole time.  Total reps this session: 94. 

July 15- Long cycle clean and jerk: 2x28k: 7 reps @ 4rpm.  2x24k: 6m @ 4 rpm =24 reps.  2x20k: 19 reps @ 6rpm.  2x24k: 1m @ 8rpm.  Mowed the grass about 30m.

July 14- Long Cycle clean and jerk- 2x28k- 1:30 @ 4rpm = 6 reps.  2x24k: 4m @ 5 rpm = 20.  2x20k: 16, 18 reps @ 8rpm.  Jerk- 2x24k: 3m @ 3rpm. 2x20k: 3m @ 8rpm. 

July 12- Long cycle clean and jerk- 2x28k- 2:15 @ 4 rpm= 9 reps.  2x24k- 6:00 @ 5 rpm = 30 reps.  Chins: 9,8,7,6,5= 35.  Dips: 9,8,7,6,5 = 35.  Pistol squats: 7,6,5,4,3 = 25 per leg.  10 lb. counterweight.

July 11-  189 lb. day off.  Planned to train, but woke up early feeling sick.  Not quite right all day.  Took early bedtime.

July 10- day off.

July 9- Long cycle clean and jerk- 2x28k: 2m @ 4 rpm = 8.  2x24k: 5:12 @ 5rpm = 26.  2x20k: 3:30 @ 6rpm = 21; 3:50 @ 6rpm = 23.  Nordic Track: 5m.  Chins: 8,8,7,6,5 = 34.  Dips: 8,8,7,6,5 = 34.  Pistol squats: 6,5,5,4,3 = 23 with 7.5 lb. counterweight.

July 8- day off.

July 7- Long cycle clean and jerk- 2x28k: 7 reps @ 4rpm pace.  2x24k: 21 reps @ 5rpm pace.  2x20k: 19, 21 @ 6rpm pace.  Total reps: 68. Total time under load: about 12:30.   Mowed grass for 45 minutes, then chins: 8,7,7,6,5 = 33.  Dips: 8,7,7,6,5 = 33. Pistol squats: 6,5,4,4,3 = 22.  Dropped counterweight in pistols from 10lb. to 7.5 lb.

July 6- no serious training.  Swimming and hot tub for a couple of hours.

July 5- 188 lbs.  Long cycle clean and jerk: 2x28k- 6 reps at 4rpm pace; 2x24k- 21 reps @ 5rpm pace; 2x20k- 17,19 @ 6rpm pace.  Chins: 8,7,6,6,5 = 32.  Dips: 8,7,6,6,5 = 32.  Pistol squats: 6,5,4,3,3 = 21.  Did chins, dips, and pistols as a circuit after long cycle. Really tired at the end of the session.

July 4- 187 lbs.  Nordic Track: 45 minutes at an average of 160 bpm, then chins, dips, and pistols.  Heart rate averaged 160 for an hour and 5 minutes, for an estimated 1087 calories burned.  Chins: 8,7,6,5,5 =31; dips: 8,7,6,5,5 = 31; Pistol squats: 6,5,4,3,2.  Several firsts today. This is the first time I've done 45 minutes on the ski machine, and the first time I've done more than 5 pistols per leg in a single set.  First time in a long time I've burned over 1,000 calories in a single session.

July 3- 187 lbs.  Long cycle clean and jerk: 28k- 5 reps @ 4rpm pace; 24k- 18 reps @ 6rpm pace; 20k- 15, 16 reps @ 8rpm pace.  1:00-1:30 rest between sets. Finished in 11:00  Chins: 8,7,6,5,4 = 30. Dips: 8,7,6,5,4 = 30.  15 minutes on the Nordic Track.  Very hot and humid; tough session for me.

July 2- very little training.  Pistol squats, flat footed and barefoot, 10 lb. plate: 5,5,4,3,2.

July 1- Long Cycle clean and jerk: 2x24k- 4.5m @ 4rpm (18 reps).  2x20k: 3m @ 5 rpm (15 reps).  2x28k: 1m @ 5 rpm.  2x24k: 3m @ 5 rpm. 2x20k: 13, 14 reps @ 6 rpm pace.  Chins: 7,7,6,5,4 = 29.  Dips: 7,7,6,5,4 = 29.  Pistol squats: 5,4,3,3,2 = 17 per leg.  Worked for several hours on a small building project.

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