Monday, April 1, 2013

April 2013 Training Log

April 30- Nordic Track ski machine- 27 minutes at an average heart rate around 145.  Practiced some black cleans, 2x16k.

April 29- Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x24k: 10 sets of 1m @ 6rpm, 1 minute rest between sets.  Black cleans: 2x16k. Supersetted squats (5 @ 135) with 3 chin ups and 10 pushups.

April 28- tested long cycle clean and jerk, 2x24k.  Tried for 10m @ 5rpm.  Got just over 8m, for 41 reps.  This is a 1 rep PR, and a 2 minute PR (my previous best was 40 reps in 10m).  The biggest weakness was in my hands- just could not hold the bells any longer.

April 27- day off from training. Took an easy day.  Tired from poor sleep.  Demonstrated a few lifts to a friend who came over, but nothing serious.

April 26- Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x20k: 7m@ 6rpm = 42 reps. Wanted 12m, but gassed out.  Out late last night- maybe that's why. Also have not done my steady state cardio in a week. Need to increase the total tonnage.

100 reps @ 2x16k= 3200k
80 reps @ 2x20k= 3200k
66 reps @ 2x24k = 3168k

If I can attain a 25% increase over the tonnage required to rank with the 24k's, that about 4000k, or about 120 reps with 2x16k, or 100 reps with 2x20k. This would equal over 80 reps with 2x24k.

My strategy is to increase work capacity to exceed that required to rank with the 24k's.

April 25- Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x20k.  4m, then 3m @ 8rpm.  Working on getting accustomed to the 8rpm pace.  2x32k jerk- 3m @ 6rpm, failed on the last 18th rep.  Half snatch, 32k- 6m @ 6rpm = 18 reps per arm.

April 24- Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x16k.  12.5m @ 8rpm, plus one additional rep at the end = 101 reps.  Finally out of double digits with the yellows.  I have to keep reminding myself that the key to progress with the greens is getting higher numbers with the yellows and purples.  When I could consistently hit 100 reps with the 12k's and 80 reps with the 16k's, I hit 66 with the 20k's.  I'm strong enough to lift greens for 40 reps- I need the endurance to keep going.  Doing too much with the greens too soon is a shiny distraction.  My last training day for the meet in May is three weeks from today, and I'd like to have 80+ reps with the purples by then. 

April 23- day of rest and stretching.  Knees are sore from yesterday's session. Hoping to get 10m @ 5rpm in the long cycle tomorrow with the 24k's. 

April 22- Long Cycle clean and jerk, 2x24k: 4m, 3m, 2m, 1m @ 6rpm.  2-3m rest between sets.  60 reps total.  1m jerk test with 2x24k: 22 reps in 1 min.  Greased the groove pistols and one arm pushups.  Felt some pain in knees during 1m jerk test.  Feeling it the next day.

April 23- Out most of the day. Played around with some 28k clean and presses in the evening.

April 22- No real training- mowed the yard and did a little yardwork.

April 21-

April 20-

April 19- long cycle clean and jerk, 2x20k: 10m @ 6/8rpm = 70 reps, a new PR.  Short bridges: 2x25.  Wall headstands: 2x30 seconds.  Nordic Track: 30m.

April 18- half snatch (snatch, drop to rack, drop, snatch)- 20k: 10m @ 12rpm, 1 hand switch (60/60 reps).  Have not done these in a while, but they are great.  I can do more snatches this way, and work for longer.  Heart rate at conclusion of 10m set: 180.  About 200 calories in 10m, plus grip and rack training.  In original Girevoy Sport, the snatch technique used was the half snatch, with rest in the rack.  When the 10 minute rule was implemented, the now conventional snatch became widespread, and then was instituted in the rules. This is still a great way to work up to higher snatch numbers. Came back and did 10 per arm with the 32k.

April 17- Long Cycle Clean and jerk- 2x20k: 10m @ 6rpm = 60 reps.  Shoulderstand squats for mobility- 10, 15, 10.  Vertical pulls: 3x40.  30 minutes on the Nordic Track. 2x24k rack hold: 3 m.

April 15, 16- two days off from training.

April 14- 30 minutes on the Nordic Track. First 7 minutes, did 5 32k swings at the top of the minute.  Average heart rate 150, about 450 calories burned.  Rested a while, then did 10 minutes/20 sets of Viking Warrior Conditioning snatch intervals. 15:15, 7 reps, 16k.  Then played around with power clean and jerks with a 135 lb. barbell.  All in all, about an hour in the gym.  Probably take tomorrow off.

April 13-  Long Cycle clean and jerk- 2x24k: 6.25m, alternating between 4rpm and 6rpm.  33 reps.

April 12- Jerk- 2x16k- 5m @ 8rpm= 40 reps.  2x24k- 3m @ 8rpm = 24 reps. Just practice- not a killer workout.  Snatch, 24k- 8m @ 12rpm, hand switch on the minute.

April 11- Long cycle clean and jerk- 2x20k: 10m @ 6rpm = 60 reps.  Focus on breathing on top, and on making each rep as smooth and effortless as possible.  This was much easier than my test on April 6.  That set, I pushed it to 8rpm for three of the minutes (2,4,10) to increase the reps.  The quicker pace during those minutes made it a lot harder, even though it was only 6 more reps.  Mowed the yard- about an hour and a half of yard work. See-saw press, 16k- 30, 20, 10.

April 10- Long Cycle clean and jerk, 2x24k- 5m @ 4 rpm.  Didn't push too hard, just getting more comfortable with this weight.  Still getting most of my conditioning from the 16k's.

April 9- Long Cycle clean and jerk- 2x16k- 10m @ 8rpm = 80 reps.  20 seconds after the set ended, I took a pulse at the neck, and got 32 beats in 10 seconds, for a pulse of 192.  About 200 calories. Worked on taking a second breath at the lockout to get more O2, and to be sure to fixate.  Some Roman Chair work and stretching.

April 8- Long Cycle clean and jerk- 2x24k: 10m @ 4 rpm = 40 reps.  This is a personal best, and the first time I've gone 10m with the green bells. I'll start incorporating long, slow sets with 2x24k a couple of times per week.   Snatch- 12k.  5m @ 20rpm.  A quick 50 reps per arms.  Later in the afternoon, 30 minutes on the Nordic Track, for about 450 calories.

April 7- Jerk- 2x24k: 5m @ 6rpm= 30 reps.

April 6- Tested Long Cycle clean and jerk, 2x20k.  Got 66 reps in 10m.  Previous best was 40 reps.  This is good for rank 2 (WKC) and rank 4 (USAKL), and qualifies me to lift 24k's in Charlotte in May.

April 5- Day off from training.

April 4- Bent press, 28k: 3 sets of 3 per arm.  Long Cycle clean and jerk- 2x16k: 10 minutes alternating between 8rpm and 10rpm= 90 reps- a new PR! 30 seconds after the set ended, I checked my pulse at 186bpm.  At my age, my max should be 185.  Lots of systemic distress, and localized pain and cramping in my forearms.  Came back later and did 5 single deadlifts @ 300 lb.  15 minutes on the Nordic Track.  Some Roman Chair work and stretching.

April 3- Barbell press from the rack: 4 singles @ 110lb.  Long Cycle clean and jerk- 2x24k: 1m on, 1m off for 20m @ 6rpm.  60 reps, and an average heart rate of 138 for 20+ minutes.  About 270 calories burned. Practiced a few double 24k cleans afterward.

April 2- Barbell press from the rack: 6 singles @ 110lb. About a minute rest in between.  Deadlift: 3 singles @ 300lb.  About a minute rest between reps.  Long Cycle clean and jerk, 2x16k: 10m @ 8rpm = 80 reps.  A pretty good challenge to the grip and legs.  Cardio endurance held up well.  30 seconds after the set ended, my heart rate was 162 rpm. Came back later and did double jerks- 2x24k: 4m @ 6rpm = 24 jerks.  After supper, did 30 minutes on the Nordic Track, then 2x10 Roman Chair situps, and 2x20 Roman Chair back raises on the tire.  Took a bath and called it a night.

April 1- Day off from  hard training.  A few presses, squats, and deadlifts, but nothing serious.  Stretching and mobility work.

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