Friday, August 17, 2012

Snatch Test- 64/64, no video

Just tested the snatch.  Afterward, I found out that the video did not take.  I worked at a pace of 16 rpm, and managed 4 minutes per arm, for 64 reps each arm.  My goal was 75.  My previous PR was 53.  Talk about splitting the difference!

My conditioning was good.  When I put the bell down at 8:00 I had plenty of wind left, and systemically, was not in much discomfort.  My legs and back felt fine.  My grip was the weak link.  In June, I got 80/80 with the 16k, but just barely, before my grip failed.  Clearly, my grip endurance is in need of work. 

I'm pleased with the PR, though I did not reach my goal.  After I exceeded my goal in the jerk, I had high hopes for the snatch.  Truly, though, they are two very different lifts.  In the jerk, you can rest in the rack.  In the snatch, it feels like there is nowhere to hide. 

I plan to repeat the program, setting a goal of 100 double jerks, but keeping my snatch numbers the same.  The remedial grip work will do me good.  In a couple of months, I hope to post a video of 100 jerks and 75/75 snatches.  Maybe this time I'll turn the camera on.


  1. Steve,
    Nice job with the Snatch PR, keep chipping away at the grip strength! Came across your site via DD forum and was psyched when I saw the ATSCI shirt in the jerk video (Im good friends with Nico and taking his IKL cert this wknd). Thanks for the link to the GS program I plan to use it to prep for IKFF Nationals in Nov. Keep up the good work!


    Jeff Stripling DC

  2. Thanks, Jeff. Nico is a good friend. I went out to Denver and attended his certification last October. He treated me very well, and I have enjoyed working with him. He's an excellent teacher! I'd be interested to know how you do at IKFF nationals- keep me posted.
