Sunday, May 13, 2012

Previous 1RM for a Double!

I had a great surprise tonight.  I bought an olympic barbell set yesterday, and deadlifted it a few times at 300.  Tonight, I practiced bench pressing in preparation for my upcoming push/pull meet.  I loaded it to 185 and did two triples, alternated with 10 40k swings.  Then I took the bar down to 135 and did two sets of 5, with a focus on accelerating the barbell.  Then I put the 25's back on to do another triple @ 185.  It felt heavy, and I got 2 hard but solid reps.  I racked the bar, thinking that I must have fatigued myself for it to feel so heavy.  I got up and looked, and I had put the 35's on, so the bar was 205.  My previous 1 rm was 202.5, and it was quite difficult.  Tonight I pressed more than my previous max, for a double!  Nice to know that I'm actually getting stronger!

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