Thursday, October 1, 2015

October 2015 Training Log

October 31- Clean and press, 16k. Alternated hands every rep. 30m @ 8rpm = 240 reps.

October 27- 181 lb. Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x16k. 102 reps in 10m: 9m @ 10rpm, with a 12 rpm sprint the last minute.  This is my first triple digit set in 10m with this weight.  The North American record for the 85k weight class is 101.

October 24- Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x14k. Warm up: 1m @ 10 rpm. Work set: 10m @ 10 rpm. Sprinted the last minute and got 13 reps. 103 reps in 10m. Changed shoes and spread mulch for 45 minutes.

October 22- 179 lb. Quick clean and press session with 16k: 20m @ 8rpm, hand switch every rep. 80 cleans, swings, and presses per arm in 20 minutes of nonstop work.

October 21- 178 lb.

October 20- 178.5 lb. Long cycle clean and jerk training, 2x16k.  91 reps in 10m.  9 rpm for the first 9m, then 10rpm for the last minute. This is a new PR. The record for my weight class is 101.  If I can beat that in Kennesaw in 3 1/2 week, I'll hold a new North American record.

October 19- 179 lb.  Training: snatch/press/clean/jerk/swing chain with 16k. Switched hands on the swing each time.  Four cycles per minute for 15m, so each arm did 30 snatches, presses, cleans, jerks, and swings.

October 18- Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x14k (12k with 5 lbs. attached- 14.25k).  Warm up: 1m @ 10rpm. Work set: 10m @ 10 rpm = 100 reps. This is the heaviest I have ever done for 100 reps in 10m.  I can get 100 with the 12k's just about any time I try, and can go 5-7m with the 16k's at this pace. Working with the 14k's should split the difference and build strength and endurance for the 16k's.

October 17- Lousy training day. Low energy.  Got 1.5m long cycle with the 16k's in long cycle, but just not feeling it.  Jerk, 2x12k: 2.5m @ 20rpm = 50 jerks.

October 16- Clean and press training, 16k.  30 minutes, 8 rpm, switched hands every rep. 240 reps total, so 120 swings, cleans, and presses per arm in 30m.  Pulse at end of set: 156.  Really enjoyed this session.  Did it outdoors, about 65 degrees. Kept good technique throughout; everything felt strong, could have gone longer. Got my strength endurance and steady state cardio in one session.

October 14- 179.5 lb. Painting again today.  Took a quick break about 5 p.m. for a long cycle session. 2x12k.  Warm up: 1m @ 10rpm. Work set: 108 in 10m. 10 rpm for 8m, then a 14rpm sprint the last 2m.  I think I pretty well "own" the 12k's.  I'm going to add weight to them and work up to this level of proficiency with 2x14k, while continuing to train long sets with the 16k's.  I plan to lift 16k's in Atlanta in November, and break the North American record for my weight class.  The record is 101 reps. 

October 13- 180.5 lb. Painted all day, then in the evening, did 20 minutes of clean and presses, alternating hands, with a 16k. About 5 rpm pace.  About 50 easy cleans, swings, and presses per arm.  Worked up a sweat.  A good little strength endurance session. 

October 12- 180 lb. Long cycle clean and jerk training.  Warm up: 1m @ 10rpm with 2x12k. Work set: 5m @ 10rpm with 2x16k = 50 reps.  Worked to the point of discomfort, but not a max set.  I could have gotten 7m at this pace if I had pushed. Just training, not testing.  Cooled down with 1 arm long cycle, 16k: 1m per hand @ 10 rpm.  Later, took a brisk walk for about 45 minutes.

October 10- 180 lb.  Some easy training.  Squat: 5x5 @ 135 lb. Bench press: 2x5 @ 135 lb.  Classical (half) snatch, 12k: 10m @ 12 rpm = 60/60 rep.

October 9- Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x12k: 15m @ 10rpm = 150 reps.  This is a PR for total reps and for time at this pace. Previous best was 120 rep in 10m.  Later in the day, some easy presses with 16k, 20k, and 24k.

October 6- Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x16k: 10m @ 9rpm = 90 reps. This ties a PR, and was the easiest I've ever done a set this hard.  Followed with about three hours of mulching, weed-eating, and chainsawing.

October 4- Quick afternoon session. Warm up with some mobility work.  Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x12k: 10m @ 12rpm = 120 reps.  I think I have done this once before, but if so, only once.  It was a challenge for my cardio, but not for legs, shoulders, or grip.  No knee pain afterward.  Rested 2m, then two sets of 10 curl and press with a pair of 20 lb. dumbbells, just to even out the workload around the shoulder and elbow.

October 3- 179 lb.

October 1- Long cycle clean and jerk.  2x24k: 1m @ 6rpm.  2x16k: 10m @ 8rpm = 80 reps. Dumbbell curl and press, 20 lb.: 2 sets of 10.  Dumbbell fly, 20 lb.: 2 sets of 10. Back squat, 135 lb.: 2 sets of 10.

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