Sunday, February 1, 2015

February 2015 Training Log

Feb. 28- 180 pounds.  Dawn and I had friends over for dinner, and I blew my eating discipline big time.  Fasting today as a reset.  At about 2:00, after 18 hours of fasting, I did a swing session.  I did Mark Reifkind's "Strength Matters" swing test: 10 minutes of 2 hand swings, 10 reps at :00 and :30 = 200 reps.  I used a 28k, the size for men in my weight class.  Pulse at the end was 160-170.  Felt it in traps and grip most. I definitely need to swing more to build resilience, grip endurance, and explosive hip and leg strength.  This will carry over to long cycle.  Evening update: fasted 22 hours today, then a light supper.  Went to be weighing 179.  Last night I weighed 184 at bedtime.

Feb. 27- 179 lb. Ate a huge meal last night to celebrate with my mom- lots of carbs, so holding some water weight.  Still, reduced consumption today to get it off.  I want my weight to go the other direction.  Today's training: Long cycle clean and jerk: warm up: 1m @ 5rpm.  Work set: 5m @ 5rpm = 25 reps.  Rested a few minutes, then jerks, 2x24k: 2m @ 8rpm = 16 reps. Rested a few minutes, then hardstyle swings, 28k: 10 on the minute for 30m = 300 swings.  Changed hands every minute. Average HR 150 throughout the set. About 450 calories burned in swings, about 100 in long cycle.  So far today (1:00 p.m.), I've burned more than I've eaten. 

Feb. 26- 176 lb. No training today.  Shoveled snow for about 30 minutes, then went out to the land and walked in the snow.  Call it a recovery day.

Feb. 25- 176 lb. Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x24k: warm up: 1m @ 5rpm. Work set: 6m @ 5rpm = 30 reps.  Did a few easy long cycle reps with 2x16k, then swings, 32k: 10 one hand swings on the minute for 10m, alternating hands = 100 swings.  Five dips, three high pulls with 135 lb. barbell.

Feb. 24- 177.5 lb. Easy cardio on the Nordic Track- 60m, average heart rate 135-140.  About 800 calories burned. Fasting window: 18 hours. Extremely low carb diet today.

Feb. 23- 178 lb. Warm up: long cycle clean and jerk, 2x24k: 1m @ 5 rpm, 1:30 @ 5rpm.  Work sets: 2x28k: 4 reps @ 5rpm pace; 2x24k: 2m @ 6rpm; 2x20k: 10 reps, 11 reps @ 6rpm pace. Rested a few minutes, the long cycle clean and jerk 2x16k: 10m @ 8rpm = 80 reps.  Rested a few minutes, then 30 quick squat jumps with a 100 lb. barbell. Finished with 2 sets of 10 two arm swings with 108 pound kettlebell.

Feb. 22- 179 lb. Warm up: long cycle clean and jerk, 2x20k: 2 x 1m @ 6 rpm. Working set: single clean and jerk, 24k. 14m @ 6rpm, 1 hand switch = 42 left, 42 right. Working grip and shoulder endurance, and general conditioning. Barbell military press from rack: 5x5 with 100 lb.  One set of 10 sport-style, two hand swings with 108 lb. kettlebell. Practiced kata: Taegeuk 1-8. Fasting window: 17 hours.

Feb. 21- 177.5 lb. Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x24k. Warm up: 1m @ 5 rpm. Work set: 5m @ 5rpm. 30 reps total with 2x24k. Rested 5m, then long cycle clean and jerk, 2x16k: 10m @ 6rpm.  Rested a few minutes, then barbell clean and press, 100 pounds. Eight clean and press singles, then five presses after the 9th clean. 9 cleans, 14 presses.

Feb. 20- 178 lb. Barbell clean and press: 10 reps in 5m with 100 pounds.  I'm intentionally keeping these light, since they are not a priority, and I don't want my pressing to take away from long cycle. Later, did 21 minutes on the Nordic Track, followed immediately by 10 clean and presses per hand, then 1m of swings per hand, then 5 windmills per hand, all with 16k. Total of 25 minutes of easy cardio.

Feb. 19- 177.5 lb. Very cold today (6 degrees at sunrise), so I brought my old cast iron 16k up from the garage last night. Today's training was in the upstairs bathroom. 20 minutes of the following complex: snatch, press, clean, jerk, swing (transfer). I really like this combo- it strings the classical kettlebell lifts together and gives a good cardio workout.  Heart rate in the 150's, so about 300 calories burned.

Incidentally, I was reminded how much I like this kettlebell.  It's an old Muscledriver Grey Series 1 bell, bought in 2006.  It was my first kettlebell, and I enjoy getting it out every so often.  It's perfect for sessions like this one. 

Feb. 18- 178 lb. Long Cycle clean and jerk, 2x24k. Warm up: 1m @ 5 rpm. 5m @ 5rpm = 25 reps.  They felt heavy after the lighter weights, but conditioning held out fine. Rested a couple of minutes, then did barbell clean and press, 100 lb. 1 rep every 30s for 5m = 10 reps.  In and out quickly, nothing too hard today.

Feb. 17- 177.5 lb. Seem to have stabilized at 7 pounds lost.  No serious training today- walked around the property for a while, and shoveled some snow. Did 10 easy barbell clean and presses with 100 lb., which is about 70% of my estimated 1rm of 135.  Energy level was good, but shoulders were sore from yesterday's long cycle volume and barbell presses. Fasting window: almost 15 hours.

Feb. 16- 177.5 lb. It's been a week since I started last week's fast, and I'm holding at 7 pounds lost.  That's good.  It's halfway between where I was, and where I want to be, at 170 to be in the 78k class.  I'll continue using IF, and make better food choices, to work the other 7 off.  Fasting window: 16 hours.

Training: long cycle clean and jerk, 2x20k: Merkullin Pyramid @ 6rpm. 1m, 2m, 3m, 4m, 4m, 3m, 2m, 1m.  1m rest between sets. 120 reps total.  I think that's a volume PR with 2x20k, so I'm pretty pleased with it after dropping weight. Rested a few minutes then did 6 single clean and presses with 115 lb. Rested as needed between reps.  Power cleans, strict presses.  Spinal decompression: 30 seconds hanging from the pullup bar; 30 seconds "standing" on the dip bars.

Feb. 15- 177.5 lb. Movie with popcorn last night for valentine's date.  My diet was undisciplined the last two days due to events I attended, but now it's time to get it back under control. I'm going to start intermittent fasting- which is where my fasting last week was leading. Ate a small supper last night after the movie, about 8 pm.  I'll fast today until after church, so 16-17 hours, then be sure to wrap up eating by 6 so I can get on a regular schedule of 18 hours fasting, 6 hours feeding.

Today's training: 30 minutes of 24k swing intervals. 10 swings at the top of the minute, alternating hands on the minute, for 30 minutes. 300 swings, hardstyle, with biomechanical breathing. Came back about 30 minutes later and did some pressing- bench press, 135 lb.: 5 reps.  Barbell clean and press, 115 pounds: 5 singles.

Feb. 14- 176 lb. Went to a wedding last night and ate a lot of barbeque, and a little cake.  Training: long cycle clean and jerk, 2x18k.  Warm up: 1m @ 5rpm.  Rested 1m, then 10m @ 5 rpm.  Did an 8rpm sprint in the last minute for 53 reps.  First 10m set with any weight in 9 days.This is the set I need in May for rank 1 with the 24k's.  Not terribly difficult, but harder than it would have been a week ago.  The week off, fast, and weight loss have taken a toll.  My grip fatigued faster than usual, though the bells and garage were freezing- it's 21 degrees outside. Rested two minutes, then did suitcase hold with 2x24k, 1m.  Rested 30s, then hung on the pullup bar 30s.  Finished with 10 reps front and back on the Roman chair, slow, with a stretch and pause at the bottom.

Feb. 13- 175 lb.  I'm closing in on 10 pounds lost in 5 days.  I've had no stomach problems since I started eating again.  I'm eating less, and way fewer carbs.  I feel fine all day, but did fatigue more quickly in the gym yesterday. It looks like I'll have no trouble getting into the 78k weight class long before the meet, and adapting to lifting at this lower body weight.  I expect to be under 171.6 by next week, and will keep my diet in check to stay there.   This calls for a revision of my strategy, since one element of it will have been achieved.

Rank I requires 53 reps in the 78k class.  That's 5 rpm, with an 8rpm sprint in the last minute.  This should be a very manageable pace.  I've been trying for rank 1 for two years this May.  I don't care about beating the other competitors- I want my 53 reps and my rank 1 pin. So I'm going to focus on long sets @ 5rpm with the 20k (I may have to step back to 18k's for a while), then 22k.  I need 15 minute sets to ensure that I have enough steam to push through 10 minutes on the platform with enough left for the sprint.  I'll also do volume work with 20k and 24k bells.  The Merkullin Pyramid is a great cardio and volume session.  Done strictly, it lasts 27 minutes, and includes 20 minutes of lifting.  At 5rpm, that's 100 reps. I'll probably use this format for my volume work with the 24k's, starting with 1,2,3,3,2,1 and working up to the full protocol. When I can consistently do 15m with x2x22k, and hit 100 reps in a session with the 24k's, I'll have no problem working up to 53 reps. 

I'll keep the additional cardio I've been doing.  Merkullin Pyramids can be cardio one day a week, then I can add a 20+ minute run one day, and a long session on the Nordic Track one day.  I've enjoyed doing short V02 max snatch sessions this week- I may use these to substitute for the runs on the coldest days (it's 19 degrees right now).

Today's Training: 25 minutes on the Nordic Track, average heart rate 140.  Approximately 338 calories burned. Took a break and ate a little, then practiced some Olympic lifting. Did 10 clean and jerks with 135 lb. Mix power cleans and squat cleans, power jerks and split jerks. Then 10 power snatches. Four with only the bar, then 6 with 95 lb.

Feb. 12- 176 lb. Down 8.5 pounds since Monday (4 days). Visibly lighter and leaner.  Ate a light supper yesterday of eggs and sausage- maybe a total of 900 calories yesterday after fasting for two and a half days.  I feel good- very little hunger, mentally sharp, ready to start training again today.  I have not had a real training session in a week.  This layoff has been good, but I'm ready to get back to work! 106 days until I can earn rank 1 at the Throwdown meet in Charlotte.  I've reached half of my weight loss goal if I can keep it off, and have three months to drop the other 7-8 pounds and enter the 78k class.

Today's training: long cycle clean and jerk with 2x20k. 1m @ 6rpm, 1m @ 6 rpm, 3m @ 5 rpm, 2m @ 5rpm, 1m @ 8 rpm, 1m @ 9 rpm.  1-2m rest between sets. 60 reps in 10m work.  I definitely felt a difference in my performance after a week layoff, fasting and dropping some weight.  The bells did not feel heavier, but I fatigued quickly. I ate some carbs about 30m before lifting- the first carbs I've eaten in 4 days.  I'll be back up to speed in a hurry, and if I reach my weight loss goal, then my rank standards drop by 4 reps, so that's money in the bank.  I'm sure a week or two of training will have my performance back up to where it was.

Feb. 11- 177.5 lb. Down 7 lb. in 57 hours of fasting.  Have not really experienced negative side effects. I've had some food cravings and one headache, but I think it's mostly in my head.  Very little hunger.  Breathing and sleeping better.  I'm drinking 1.5 gallons of water each day to avoid dehydration.  I've been reading about losing "water weight" when fasting, then putting it back on.  I've consumed 24 pounds of water in the last two days, and have lost 7 pounds, so I think in this respect, I'm doing fine.  7 pounds of fat would be over 24,000 calories burned, which is more than 4 times what I've probably burned in the last two and a half days.  However, I've been reading about other effects of fasting, including up a 2,000x surge of growth hormones, as well as various catabolic and repair functions that start when the digestive system gets a rest, so presumably there is more going on than simply burning calories.

Started reintroducing food around 10 am.  A little peanut butter.  Later, some eggs cooked in butter, then a little chicken. Probably fewer than 600 calories of fat and protein.  I don't know if I'll resume feeding yet, or wait until tomorrow.  Feeling fine.

Did VO2 max snatch protocol with 16k  6 rep pace, 15:15, for 10m.  60 snatches per arm.  This is a good way to get moving and elevate the heart rate a little with a small load.  Tomorrow I plan to resume long cycle work.

Feb. 10- 180.5 lb.  Down four pounds with 36 hours of fasting, even though I drank a gallon and a half of water (12 lb.) yesterday. .  It's not all permanent fat loss, of course, but it helps to reset the metabolism and drop a few pounds.  I'll probably continue the fast for another day or two.  Slept well for the first time in several nights.  Woke up with no discomfort from fasting. Did a little easy lifting. 5 sets of 5 clean and jerks with 2x24k.  Rep for rep, the bells felt light, but fatigue set in quickly.  Rep 1 in each set was really easy, but rep 5 was much harder than usual.  I suppose this is due to glycogen depletion from fasting- I've used my glycogen reserves, and am burning fat. 

Feb. 9- 184.5 lb. Have not really trained for the last four days.  Have had a bad head cold, and lots of trouble breathing and sleeping.  I've done a few kata and some easy, low-rep snatches. I'll see what I can do today.  I'm taking a temporary fast to get off the weight I've picked up laying around eating, and to detox.  I'll probably work on easy cardio and mobility today.  Mid-day: 5m of 16k swings, hand switch on the minute then the last :30. Came back about an hour later and did it again, so 10m of 16k swings = about 330 reps.  A few hours later, did clean and presses with 16k: 25/25 = 50 reps. 3 windmills per side, 16k.  In the evening, did V02 max snatches, 15:15 @ 6 reps with 16k. 24 sets of 6 in 12m = 144 reps, after 21 hours of fasting. Used sport style, efficient technique as opposed to hardstyle. Several postural resets during the day.

Feb. 5-8- no training, sick.  Sleeping very poorly.

Feb. 4- 180 lb. Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x20k. Warm up: 1m @ 5rpm.  Rest 1m, then 10m @ 5rpm = 50 reps.  Did a little stretching and a few pistol squats.

Feb. 3- 182 lb.  No training.

Feb. 2- 182 lb. - Long Cycle clean and jerk, 2x20k: Merkullin Pyramid @ 5rpm- 1m, 2m, 3m, 4m, 4m, 3m, 2m, 1m, with 1m rest between sets. 100 reps. Rested about 30m, then jogged for 20m.

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