Wednesday, January 1, 2014

January 2014 Cumulative Totals

As much as I am averse to change, I'm going to try something new this month.  Instead of training long cycle, I'm going to practice jerks and swings, with long cycle maybe once a week.  I love long cycle training, and my goal for the end of the month is 50 reps with 2x24k, which would be a PR.  But it's time to switch it up.  In December, I did 16 long cycle sessions that were 5 minutes or longer.  One was 10 minutes.  I did 17 long cycle sets over 5m in November. 5 long sets the last of October.  That's 38 sets of 5m or longer in just over 2 months.  In these 38 sessions, I totaled 1,051 reps of long cycle with 2x24k, in addition to my other training. 

Like Dan John says, change it up before it stops working. 

My plan for January is to train jerks with 2x24k, working up to 10 minutes at a 6 rpm pace, faster if I can.  By dropping cleans, I can get more jerks.  Replacing cleans with swings will allow me to do more explosive pulling with the same weight (49k), increase volume by saving my hands, and get more intense cardio.  A month of high rep jerks and swings with 49k should leave me stronger, more explosive, and with better endurance.  If I can consistently hit 60+ jerks, and triple digit swings in 10 minutes, then I can come back to long cycle training with more of the physical attributes I need to push my numbers up.

Upon reflection, I'll include chin ups to balance out the jerks, for my shoulder and elbow health.  I'll use Pavel's fighter pullup program, starting with 6 reps. A quick calculation shows that starting with 6,5,4,3,2 and doing the program for a month will take me to about 689 chin ups for the month.

I'll still hit at least one long cycle set per week to keep my groove.  We'll see how it goes.

This post is also a convenient place to keep a running total of chins, jerks and swings for the month.

Jerks, 2x24k or heavier: 676

Swings/Cleans, 48k or heavier: 724

Chin ups: 658

Long Cycle, 2x18k: 612

I'm also expecting some body composition changes with this many chins, heavy swings and jerks, so I'll track weight and body fat as well.

January 2: 182.5 lb., 18.6% body fat.  34 pounds of fat, 148.5 pounds of lean mass.

January 31: ?

Edit, January 15: 

I've given up on heavy swings and jerks for a while.  The logic behind heavy swings and jerks is sound but I'm not ready for the volume.  My hands are bruised and bleeding, my knees hurt, and I'm sore all over.  Too much, too soon.  Spending some time on lighter, high rep sets of long cycle.  Keeping the chin ups.


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