Wednesday, January 1, 2014

January 2014 Training Log

Jan. 31- 179 lb.  Chin ups: 10,8,8,6,4=36..  Dips: 10,8,8,6,4= 36.  Pistol squats: 5,4,4,3,2=18 per leg.  Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x20k: 1m @ 6rpm; 4m @ 6rpm. 30 reps total.  Cold in the gym, so got in and out.

Jan. 30- 181 lb.  Chin ups: 10,8,6,6,4 = 34 reps.  Dips: 10,8,6,6,4 = 34 reps. Pistol squats: 5,4,3,3,2 = 17 per leg. 

Jan. 29- 180 lb.   Chin ups: 10,8,6,4,4 = 32. Dips: 10,8,6,4,4 = 32. Pistol squats: 5,4,3,2,2 per leg = 16.  Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x18k: 10m @ 6rpm= 60 reps. Hang from pullup bar- 1m.  Shoveled snow for about 30m.  In the last twelve days this makes seven 10m sets, one 8m set, one 12m set, and one 5m set with 2x18k @ 6rpm.  That's 95 minutes, and 570 reps!

Jan. 28- 180.25 lb.  Chin ups: 10,8,6,4,2= 30.  Pistol squats: 5,4,3,2,1 per leg = 15. Dips: 10,8,6,4,2.

Jan. 27- 182 lb.  Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x18k: 1m @ 6rpm; 12m @ 6rpm = 72.  Total reps: 78. Dips: 1 set of 20.  Pistols: 1 set of 10 per leg.  PR's in dips and pistols! Came back later and did a set of 15 dips.

Jan. 26- 181.5 lb. Chin ups: 9,9,8,7,6= 39.

Jan. 25- 179.5 lb. Chin ups: 9,8,8,7,6 =38.  Long Cycle clean and jerk, 2x18k: 1m @ 6rpm warm up; 10m @ 6 rpm = 60 reps. Suitcase hold: 2x18k: 3m.  Press, 18k: 3m @ 12 rpm, 1 hand switch = 18 reps per arm.

Jan. 24- 180.5 lb.  Chin ups: 9,8,7,7,6 = 37. Dips: 2x10.  Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x18k: 5m @ 6rpm = 30 reps. 2x20k: 1m @ 6 rpm.  Very cold in the garage- 10 degrees outside, and I can see my breath in the garage.  Kettlebells were frozen, so I just got in a half set.  Pistols: 5 singles per leg.

Jan. 23- 181 lb. Chin ups: 9,8,7,6,6 = 36. 

Jan. 22- 181.5 lb.   Chin ups: 9,8,7,6,5 = 35.  Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x18k: 3m @ 6rpm = 18 reps. Jerk, 2x18k: 3m @ 8rpm = 24 reps.  A really low energy day.  Came back after lunch and did long cycle clean and jerk, 2x18: 10m @ 6 rpm = 60. 78 reps total today.  Press, 20k: 2m @ 12 rpm, one hand switch = 12 reps per arm.  Half snatch, 24k, 2m @ 12 rpm = 12 per arm.

Jan. 21- 181.5 lb.  Chin ups: 9.  Had way more training planned for today, but work got out of hand.  There is always tomorrow.

Jan. 20.  Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x18k: 10m @ 6rpm = 60 reps.  Press, 16k: 5m @ 12 rpm, 1  hand switch = 30 reps per arm.  Black cleans, 2x18: 2m @ 16 rpm.

Jan. 19- 182 lb.  Chin ups: 8,8,7,6,5 = 34.

Jan. 18- 182 lb.  Chin up: 8,7,7,6,5 = 33. Dips: 2 sets of 10.  Pistols: 5 singles per leg. Long Cycle clean and jerk, 2x18k: 10m @ 6rpm = 60 reps.  Dimel deadlift, 49k: 2 sets of 20.  Swings, 24k: 10 sets of 10 in 5m = 100 swings.

Jan. 17- 181 lb. Chin ups: 8,7,6,6,5 = 32. Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x18k: 10m @ 6 rpm = 60 reps.  Pistol squats: 5 singles per leg.  Dips: 2 sets of 10.

Jan. 16- 182 lb. Chin ups: 8,7,6,5,5 = 31.

Jan. 15- 183 lb.  Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x18k: 8m @ 6rpm = 48 reps.  2m @ 6 rpm = 12 reps.  60 reps total.  Press, 20k: 2m @ 12 rpm, 1 hand switch = 12 reps per arm.  Chin ups: 8,7,6,5,4 = 30 reps. Press: 16k: 5m @ 12 rpm, 1 hand switch = 30 reps per arm.  Snatch, 18k: 3m @ 12 rpm, 1 hand switch = 18 reps per arm.

Jan. 14- 183.5 lb. Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x16k: 10m @ 6rpm = 60 reps.  Dimel deadlifts, 49k: 2 sets of 20.  Roman Chair- 2x10 reps front and back raise.

Jan. 13- 183 lb. Chin ups: 7,7,6,5,4 = 29 reps. Long cycle: 2x28: 3m @ 4rpm = 12 reps.  2x16k: 10m @ 6rpm = 60 reps.  Short, heavy set for strength; long, light set for conditioning and technique practice.  I had forgotten how nice these long sets can make me feel. Came back later and did dips, Roman chair front raise, Roman chair back raise: 3 sets of 10.

Jan. 12- 182 lb. Chin ups: 7,6,6,5,4 = 28 reps. Dimel deadlifts with a 49k kettlebell: 2 x 20= 40.  Long cycle: 2x28k: 4 @ 4rpm. 2x24k: 14 @ 5 rpm. 2x20k: 11, 12 @ 8 rpm.

Jan. 11- 183 lb.  Long cycle, 2x24k: 1m @ 6rpm. 4m @ 5rpm = 20 reps.  Rested a little, then long cycle: 2x28k: 1m @ 4rpm; 2x24k: 12 reps @ 5rpm pace; 2x20k: 10, 11 reps @ 8rpm pace.

Jan. 10- 183 lb.  Chin ups: 7,6,5,5,4 = 27.  Jerks, 2x24k: 1m @ 6rpm x2 warm up, 3m @ 5rpm.  27 reps.  Long cycle, 2x20k: 3m @ 6,8,6 rpm = 22.  3m @ 8rpm = 24. Jerks, 2x28k: 2m @ 6rpm. 7 extra reps to make 600 jerks 2x24k or heavier for the month so far.  Hands bleeding.  No extra cleans or swings.

Jan. 9- 183 lb.  Chin ups: 7,6,5,4,4 = 26.  Just chin ups today.  Hands are really taking a beating from high rep kettlebell work, so took a day off.

Jan. 8- 184.5 lb.  Time for some corrective dieting.  Swings and jerks make me hungry, but apparently I'm eating too much.  Chins, 7,6,5,4,3 = 25.  Tested my 32k press, and got 3 reps per arm.  Did swings a little differently today.  1 set of 10 two hand cleans @ 49k.  Then did 12 sets of 1m of "black cleans" with 2x24k: 2 swings followed by 1 clean, resting in the rack.  Did them every 15 seconds, for 12 pulls per minute.  Counting this as 154 swings, since the clean is simply a swing with a catch on top.  Same load, but slightly different movement pattern.  More applicable to long cycle than hardstyle swings, and using two bells forces me to work in a wide stance.

Jan.7- 184 lb.  Jerk, 2x24k: 1m @ 6rpm to warm up, then 7m @ 6rpm = 42 reps.  This is a new PR for time and reps at this weight.  2m @ 6rpm, then 4 sets of :50 @ 12 rpm (10 reps).  Total jerks today: 100.  Swings, 49: 50 in 5m.  Ended with 100 sissy dips for triceps endurance.

Jan. 6- 183 lb.  Chin ups: 6,6,5,4,3 = 24.  Worked on long cycle today.  2x24k: 1m for warm up at 6rpm.  2m @ 8rpm.  1m @ 6rpm.   28 clean and jerks.  Did a few shorts sets of heavy jerks: 2x32k: 5, 2.  2x28k: 5,5.  Total jerks: 45.

Jan. 5- 183 lb.  Chin ups: 6,5,5,4,3 = 23.  Jerks, 2x24k: 10 rep warm up, 6 reps on the minute for 15 minutes = 100 reps. Rest 5m, then swings, 49k: 10 per minute (5 on the :00 and :30) for 10m = 100 swings.  Average HR: 180.  About 200 calories burned on swings alone.

Jan. 4- 182 lb. Chin ups: 6,5,4,4,3 = 22. Jerks, 2x24k: 1m @ 5rpm warm up.  4.5m @ 5 rpm = 22 reps.  5 reps on the minute for 15 minutes = 75 reps.  Total jerks: 102.  Swings, 49k: 5 sets of 20 over a period of about three hours.  No rush, just getting my reps in, adjusting to the workload. 100 swings.

Jan. 3- 182 lb. Surprisingly, not sore from yesterday's session. Chin ups: 6,5,4,3,3 = 21.  Jerk, 2x24k: 10 sets of 10, with several minutes rest between sets.  100 jerks total.  Swings, 49k: 10 sets of 10, resting until heart rate comes down between sets.  No hurry.  I don't have much endurance today, so I'm doing short sets and getting my volume in.  100 swings.

Jan. 2- 182.5 lb.  Chin ups: 6,5,4,3,2 = 20.  Jerk, 2x24k: 1m @ 6 rpm for warm up; 6:30 @ 6rpm for the first 6 minutes, then a sprint of 5 reps in :30 for a set of 41, breaking my previous PR of 40.  Rested two minutes, then 2 sets of 1m @ 12 rpm, 1m rest.  Total jerks: 71.  Rested 3m, then swings, 49k: 60 swings in 5m (6 on the :00 and :30).  The swings were tough after the jerks.  Roman chair: 10 reps forward and backward, nice and slow.  Came back later and did 4 sets of 10 swings with 49k, bringing today's total to 100.

Jan. 1- 183 lb.  Jerk, 2x24k: 1m @ 6rpm to warm up, then 5m @ 6rpm = 36 reps.  Not much of a challenge for legs or cardio, but quite a burn in the triceps, not like long cycle.  As they catch up, the volume should increase quickly.  Swings, 49k: 50 in 5m (5 on the :00 and :30).  Overall, a pretty easy day.  Nice to deload a little after lots of long cycle sets the last two months.

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