Sunday, March 25, 2012

Jasper Benincasa Tribute

Today I participated in a tribute to a bodyweight training legend, Jasper Benincasa.  Jasper died this January at 90 years of age.  He was a  master of bodyweight exercises, including one armed chin ups.  He did his last one arm chin up at the age of 89, two weeks before entering hospice care.  In his day, he could do as many of 130 consecutive chin ups without letting go of the bar. 

I had planned on attempting 15 chin ups, but I was not feeling the endurance today, so I went after maximum strength instead.  I got a 70 pound chin up, which was a PR (my previous best was 53 pounds).  I attempted a chin up with 88 pounds, and got a little more than halfway up.  Then I looked for odd things to do chin ups with, and came  up with a 50 pound bag of feed, which I pulled for a double, and a 65 pound kid, who was game for a ride. 

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