Tuesday, March 6, 2012

If you want to snatch a lot, snatch a lot! Extending snatch sets

I'm working, as always, on snatching more. I'm working primarily with the 32k for straight sets, and the 20k for five minute blitz sets during BOLT Blast workouts. Today, I experiemented with a plateau-buster: the half snatch. I can get up to 25 snatches per arm with the 32k, but the last 5 are scary and ugly. I'm good for about 20-21 clean reps any given day. Today, I did 20 snatches, then dropped the kettlebell into the rack and "rested" (as well as you can rest with 70 pounds sitting on your chest!) for a few breaths before snatching again. Then back to the rack again, for a total of 5 half snatches.  This way, you can "stay with the weight", resting just enough to catch your breath and let your grip recover for the next rep.  I did this for each arm, with about 1 minute rest between them. This way, I got 25 good reps (not competition-legal reps, but good ones) per arm, when previously, I would have had to put down the kettlebell for fear of unsafe, ugly reps. I forced 25% more reps. Not bad. A week or two of sets like this, and longer as I improve, and I'll bet I can get 25 clean reps per arm. Then I may add another 5-7 half snatches, for 30-32 reps per set. It's all about more safe reps per set, right?

Take a look, and let me know what you think! Safe training!

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