Friday, August 12, 2016

Post-Cycle Testing

I’ve just completed a week of testing after running a long cycle training template for the last seven weeks.  I trained Monday, Wednesday, and Friday most weeks.  Each session consisted of a set at 4rpm with 2x28k, a set at 5rpm with 2x24k, and two sets at 6rpm with 2x20k.  Some days I did additional cardio after my kettlebell training, or on off days. Usually, my cardio consisted of pushing a lawnmower for at least an hour, manual labor, swings, snatches, or running.

The template called for a total of 80 sets.  Rep-for-rep, I got 77 of these sets. The three sets I just did not have in me were the 2x20k sets at the end of the second and third peaks of the cycle.

The training cycle was designed to improve my numbers with the 24k bells.  My goal was 50 reps. I tested with each of the kettlebell weights with which I trained.  Here are my results:

2x28k: 15 reps.  I’ve never trained with the orange bells before, so this was new ground. I got to 11 reps in training, going at 4 rpm.  I tested at 5 rpm, and went three minutes.  15 reps.  Nothing to write home about, but also not a true max.  I just wanted to establish a baseline for future testing.  Probably an 80% effort.  I do feel a lot stronger since I’ve been using these bells.

2x24k: 40 reps in 10:00.  This is not a PR. I’ve done a single set of 50 reps, and I’ve gotten over 40 a few times last year. I don’t know if these bells are in my head, or if they are still too heavy.  I tried testing at 5rpm twice, and just could not keep going.  It felt too fast and too heavy, even though I got to 37 reps in training at this pace. The good news is that my grip, legs, and shoulders held out fine.  I just could not breathe fast enough to keep going. My technique is stronger than ever.  I decided finally to test for a 10 minute set. I had to drop to 4 rpm to get there. I’ve done tons of 10 minute sets with the 16k, 18k, and 20k kettlebells, but only 2 or 3 with the 24k’s.  This was not the PR I hoped for, but I’ll take a 10 minute set. I could have gotten a few more reps, I think, but I played it safe and settled for a 3-rep improvement over my best set in this training cycle.

2x20k: 76 reps in 10:00.  This is the real PR of this cycle. I held back in both of my previous tests, and could have gotten a few more reps with both the orange and the green bells.  I know that I can get 60 reps with the purples just about any time I try, so I can fall back to a 6rpm pace if I need to.  I got 8rpm for my first 5 minutes, then dropped to 6rpm for a minute.  I slowed down when I had to, and sped up when I could.  This was, honestly, the hardest GS set I’ve ever completed.  It’s the closest I’ve come to throwing up after a set. I fought hard for this one, and I’m very pleased with the result.  My previous best was 70 reps.


Two others factors must be considered in evaluating the results of this training cycle.  First, I don’t hurt.  I’ve had problems in the past with my left elbow, both knees, and both shoulders when I’ve gotten to respectable volume with heavier (for me) bells. Early this year, a bout of elbow tendonosis set me back two months. I’ve been doing rehab and prehab work, and my elbow feels great.  I’ve adapted to this workload and weight without pain. 

Second, I lost 7 pounds in the last two weeks.  I don’t know if this had a bearing on my poor performance with the 24k’s, but it could have. They felt heavier at the end of the cycle than at the beginning. This could be accumulated fatigue, or the weight loss, or both.  I’m headed to 170, so I can compete in the 78k weight class in October.  If dropping weight affects my performance, I’ll need to get my weight off sooner rather than later so I can adapt to lifting at a lower bodyweight. 

What’s Next?

I’ll take a back-off week to stretch and rest, and consider my options.  If my math is right, after a next week I’ll have 9 weeks until the meet in Charlotte. I may run another cycle like this one, or I may focus on longer sets with the 24k’s. 

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