Monday, August 4, 2014

August 2014 Training Log

August 30- 189.  Some GPP.  Tried a different form of weighted cardio today, which I got from Thierry Sanchez' blog here.  Put on a 40 pound vest, and did 20 minutes of step ups onto an 8 inch cinder block. No particular pace- did not hurry, but did not rest between steps either.  Average heart rate: 130.  About 250 calories burned.  Trying to build work capacity, particularly in my legs.  Did low rep sets of dips while cleaning the garage gym total of 50 dips.

August 29- 188.5 lb.  Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x16k.  Coach prescribed 10m @ 10rpm.  Got 68 reps in 6:36, and just ran out of gas.  Can't breathe enough to keep going.  Rested a few minutes then did 2x32k jerks: 2m @ 4rpm.  Heavy. Video: . 2 mile run/walk.

August 28- day off from training

August 27: Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x16k.  Tried for 10m @ 10rpm.  Got 55 reps in 5:30. 

August 26- 189 lb.  Grease the groove chins (5) dips (5) and pistol squats (1/leg) on the hour.  Yard work for 2 hours: mowing, weed-eating, blowing, carrying, etc.  Probably 1000 calories burned.

August 25- 190 lb.  Long cycle clean and jerk: 2x28k.  Warm up: 1m @ 5rpm.  Work set: 4m @ 5rpm.  Got 18 reps. The bells were just too heavy for the last two reps- I felt like I would lose them in the rack or the drop, so just held a rack hold to finish out the minute.  Rested a few minutes, then 5 sets of 1m @ 5rpm.  Tried to work on a more efficient drop, staying vertical longer before dropping into the backswing.  Lots of work to do.  Video: .  Ended the day with an unexpected swim- about 20-30m pulling my boat after it died in the water.

August 23- 190 lb. evening cardio: one arm long cycle, 12k.  30 minutes, switching hands on the minute.  Worked about breathing pace, about 8-10 rpm.  About 275 reps.  Average heart rate 140.  Calories burned, about 420.  This makes just over an hour of cardio for the week, not counting my training sets.  Got to pick it up.

August 22- 190 lb.  Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x20k: 6m @ 7rpm = 42 reps.  15 dips, 5 chins, 5 pistols per leg.  Could have done more on everything, but working on following coach's advice to keep it in the 50% to 70% range- just enough to stimulate adaptation without interfering with recovery.  Today was just on the hard side of easy.

August 20- 189 lb.  Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x28k: 1m @ 5rpm warm up. 3 sets of 3m @ 5 rpm.  50 reps total. Video: .

August 18- 189 lb. Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x24k: 1m @ 5rpm warm up. 7m @ 5rpm= 35 reps.  HR 130 at the end of the set.  40 reps total.  Ran/walked 1m, walked back 1m, 30 minutes total.  About 375 calories burned total. 

August 17- did a few kata.

August 16- 189 lb.  10 minutes of snatches for cardio, 16k.

August 15- 190 lb. Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x28k.  Warm up: 1m @ 4rpm.  Working sets: 3 sets of 3m @ 4rpm. About 3m rest between sets. Total: 40 reps in 10m.  Video: .  Worked in the yard for 86 minutes at a heart rate of about 115.  About 900 calories burned in the yard.

August 14- 24k swings: 20 swings on the minute (one arm swings on :00 and :30) for 10m.  200 swings. Walked about 1 mile in 21m.

August 13- today's prescribed session was long cycle with 2x28k.  Yesterday's Hindu squats left me with a lot of DOMS, particularly in the eccentric range of motion, so I did not try heavy clean and jerks.  Instead, did 26 minutes of clean and presses with 16k for shoulder and grip strength endurance.  Did 3m per arm, then alternated every minute.  78 clean and presses per arm. Pulse at end of set was 150. About 375 calories burned.

August 12- 188 lb. cardio at 6:00 am. Did a bodyweight session.  First 10m alternated 5 Hindu pushups and 10 Hindu squats. Next 5m a mix of these two plus jumping jacks.  Last 5m did sun salute stretches. Really felt today's session in the quads.  Heart rate in 140's, worked up a good sweat, but conditioning was not really challenged.  Just easy cardio with emphasis on shoulder and leg endurance.  I'm still experimenting with cardio that I enjoy and am willing to do several times a week.  Lately running is good, and kettlebell jogging.  Lawnmowing once a week.

August 11- 190 lb. 18 hour fast from supper last night until lunch to regain control of eating.  Chin up challenge with a friend- 9 reps.  My best ever was 13, so I got about 70% of my best without training chin ups in a while.  Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x20k: 1m @ 6rpm warm up, 10m @ 6rpm = 60 reps. Heart rate at end of set: 160. 

August 10- no training

August 9- 189 lb.  Easy cardio- ran 1 mile in 11 minutes, walked back in 22 minutes.  Easiest mile I’ve ever run.  About 286 calories burned.  Knees and ankles feel fine.

August 8- 188 lb. Long cycle, 2x28k.  Coach called for 6m, then 4m @ 4rpm.  40 reps total.  Weights felt really heavy today.  Got 3m, 2m, then 5 sets of 1m, with 1m rest between all sets.  Definitely doing strength work with these bells right now.  Cardio was fine, legs and shoulders had a hard time with the weight.  Skipped the snatches- lots to do today.  Video:

August 7- 187.5 lb.  Did 20 minutes of steady-state cardio with a  kettlebell at an average heart rate of about 145, for about 290 calories burned.  Used a 12k bell and did 2m each of swings, presses, snatches, jerks, and long cycle, then switched hands and did it again.  Worked grip and shoulder endurance pretty well, as well as getting my moderate cardio in.

August 6- 188.5 lb.  Long cycle: 2x24k. 7m @ 5rpm. Rested about 15 minutes for full recovery, then 5m @ 6rpm.  Tough, but not unbearable. About 5 minutes of sun salute, holding a good stretch in each position. Video:

August 5- 190 lb. Lawn mowing and basic yard work for 65 minutes.  Average heart rate 120.  Calories burned: about 700.  Finished with four deadlift singles @ 278.  Have not deadlifted in a very long time. I sold my oly barbell set, but I held on to a 5 foot standard bar and some 5 and 10 pound plates.  For today, I used loops of rope to tie a 32k and 28k kettlebell on each end of the 15 pound bar.  Felt good to pull something a little heavy.  They all went up strong, and I could have gone much heavier, but that's not the point right now.

August 4- Just got back from vacation.  Left the kettlebells at home, but did some swimming, kayaking, and jump rope while I was gone.  Went on a run one day.  Let my diet get out of control, but I'm back on the wagon now.  Today: 27minutes of fasted early morning cardio, including 23 minutes on the Nordic Track and 4 minutes playing around with Heavyhands stuff. Average heart rate in the mid 130's. About 330 calories burned.    Mid-day training session:  Warm up, then long cycle with 2x28k.  3 sets of 4m @ 4rpm.  Felt strong through the first two sets, last set was hard.  These weights feel heavy, but not as heavy as before.  Video: 

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