Sunday, December 1, 2013

December Training Log

Dec. 31- 183 lb. Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x24k: 5m @ 5rpm = 25 reps.  Some swings, jerks, and a bent press (right) with the 49k bell.  In the afternoon, one arm swings with 32k: 96 in 6m (8 on the :00 and :30).  These felt really good- not as hard as in the past.

Dec. 30- 183 lb. No training today.  Made a heavy kettlebell out of a 12k bell and a lot of lead.  Cooling overnight in sand.  Should be 106-107 pounds when it's finished. Edit: 108.5 pounds.

Dec. 29- no serious training today. A few jerks while cleaning the garage.  Summary of last four days of training:
  • Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x24k: 98 reps
  • Swings, 32k or 40k: 398
  • Get Ups, 32k: 10
  • Bent press, 32k or 40k: 12
  • Front Squats, 2x24k: 10
  • Dips, 16k: 10
Dec. 28- 181 lb.  Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x24k: 6m @ 5rpm = 30 reps.  I've done 11 sessions in a row of 5m at this pace.  I'll start adding in 6 and 7 minute sets from here out.  Rested a few minutes, then did three sets of long cycle, 2x24k: 1m @ 6rpm, 1m rest.  Sprint work. 18 reps  This was easier than it used to be.  Rested a few minutes, then bent press, 32k.  10 in 10m (1 on the minute, switching hands).  First 4 were singles, then 4 doubles, then a single per arm, adding a 16k windmill on the way up.  Stretched.  Came back later and did two arm swings, 32k: 100 in 5m.

Dec. 27- 181 lb. One arm swings, 40k: 50 in 5m (5 on the :00 and :30).  Get ups, 40k: 1 left, right would not go up safely.  Came back later and did two arm swings, 40k: 50 in 2:30 (10 on the :00 and :30).  Before bed, 1 40k bent press per arm.

Dec. 26- 181.5 lb.  Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x24k: 5m @ 5rpm =25 reps.  Rested 5 minutes. One arm swings, 32k: 98 in 7m (7 on the :00 and :30).  

Dec. 25- 181.5 lb.  Somehow lost 2 pounds in the last three days in spite of very poor diet.  Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x24k: 5m @ 5rpm.  This was my tenth 5 @ 5 session, and was easier than I expected after a layoff.  Working on making each lift as easy as possible. I plan to hit 5 @ 5 at least a few more times, then start adding in 6 and 7 minute sets.  When 7 minutes is not so bad, I'll test for a 10 minute set at 5rpm.  Rested 5 minutes, then one hand swings, 32k: 100 in 8m (6 on the :00 and :30, plus 4 added at the end).  Rest 3 minutes, then get ups, 32k: 10 in 10m.  Came back later and did front squats, 2x24k: 2x5.  Dips with 16k, 2x5.

Dec 22-24- no training, but lots of work.  Drove 1,000 miles, half of it in a moving truck, loaded and unloaded a 22 foot truck.  Ate lots of junk.

Dec. 21- 183.5 lb.  18.6% bodyfat. 149.5 lean mass, 34 fat.  No training today. Summary of last five days of training:
  • Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x24k: 4 sets of 5m @ 5rpm. 20 minutes, 100 reps.
  • Swings, 32k: 330
  • Get ups, 32k: 20
  • Dips, Chins, Front Squats with 2x16k: 70 reps each movement.

Dec. 20- 182.5 lb. Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x24k: 5m @ 5rpm = 25 reps. 5m rest, then one arm swings, 32k: 100 in 10m. 5 on the :00 and :30, alternating hands. 5m rest, then get ups, 32k: 10 in 10m.  35 minute total session.

Dec. 19- 181 lb. Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x24k: 5m @ 5rpm = 25 reps.  Dips, chins, front squats with 2x16k: 5,5,4,3,2 = 19 reps each.  Swings, 32k: 20per minute (10 on the :00 and :30) for 5m = 100 swings.  Get ups, 32k: 10 in 10m. Waited about an hour between swings and getups.  Otherwise, used Simple and Sinister format. 

Dec. 18- 182 lb.  Dips, chins, and front squats with 2x16k: 5,4,4,3,2 = 18 reps per movement. 

Dec. 17- 181 lb.  Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x24k: 5m @ 5rpm = 25 reps.  Dips, chins, and front squats with 2x16k: 5,4,3,3,2 = 17 reps each movement.  Swings, 32k: 14 per minute (7 on the :00 and :30) for 5m = 70 swings.

Dec. 16- 182.25 lb.  Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x24k: 5m @ 5rpm = 25 reps.  Dips, chins, and front squats with 2x16k: 5,4,3,2,2 = 16 reps of each. Swings, 32k: 12 per minute (6 on the :00 and :30) for 5 minutes = 60 swings.  Roman chair situps, back raises with full range of motion: 10 reps each.

Dec. 15- 183.25 lb.  Ate at Chinese buffet last night, so I'm up a couple of pounds. Busy day today, so little training, but on my feet a lot.  I'll be restricting food intake to give my body a chance to deal with the huge pile of rice and meat I ate last night.  Did 5,4,3,2,1 of dips, chins, and front squats, 2x16k. Summary of last four days of training:
  • Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x24k: 15 minutes, 75 reps.
  • Front and goblet squats: 40with 32k load.
  • Dips: 65
  • Chins: 40
  • Press, 2x16k: 25
Dec. 14- 181 lb.  Long Cycle clean and jerk, 2x24k: 5m @ 5rpm = 25 reps.  Rested a few minutes then clean/front squat/press combo, 2x16k: 5 sets of 5.  Rested a few minutes, then some Roman chair work, front and back.  5 Chin ups before bed.

Dec. 13- 180 lb. Dips: 5x5.  Front squats, 2x16k: 5x5.  Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x24k: 5m @ 5rpm.  Chins: 1 set of 5.

Dec 12- 180 lb.  Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x24k: 5m @ 5rpm = 25 reps.  This was my third set of 5 @5 on this cycle.  Building up to my 10m set on December 7, I did 24 sets over 5 minutes in length at 4 rpm.  18 were 5 minutes, 2 were 6 minutes, 3 were 7 minutes, and 1 was 8 minutes.  I plan to do 15-20 5 minute sets at 5rpm before peaking and going longer.  At 4-5 training days a week, this should take about a month.  By that time, I'll "own" 25 reps cold, and be ready to advance.  Also did dips: 5 sets of 5.  Goblet squats, 32k: 1 set of 10, 4 sets of 5.  25 dips, 25 squats.  Ended the session feeling good.  Came back later and did chin ups: 5,4,3,2,1 = 15.

Dec. 11- 180.5.  No training- out of town all day.  Summary of last four days of training:
  • Long Cycle, 2x24k: 90 reps in work sets.  Total time in Long Cycle: 20 minutes.
  • Swings- 250
  • Squats- 50, various weights.
  • Dips- 35
Dec. 10-  Long Cycle clean and jerk, 2x24k: 5m @ 5rpm = 25 reps. Making 5 @ 5 my new baseline.  Weights feel lighter than before.  Double kettlebell front squats, 2x16k: 3 sets of 5.  Dips: 2 sets of 5. 

Dec. 9- 181 lb. Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x24k: 5m @ 5 rpm =25 reps.   Mobility work: goblet squats, hip bridges, halos. Swings, 32k: 10 per minute (5 on the :00 and :30) for 5m = 50 swings.  Came back later and did dips and 32k goblet squats: 5 sets of 5. 

Dec. 8- 181.5 lb. Swings, 16k, hardstyle: 20 one arm swings per minute (10 on the :00 and :30, alternating hands) for 10 minutes.  An easy 200 swings, just to keep moving and work up a sweat.

Dec. 7- 183 lb.- ate junk yesterday.  Out and early and on my feet all day, then training after supper.  Quick warm up, then long cycle clean and jerk, 2x24k: 10m @ 4rpm.  I've only done this once before, and never at this weight.  This time was much easier.  Grip started to hurt, but legs, lungs, and shoulders were fine.

Dec. 6- 180 lb.  No kettlebell training, but worked in some squats.  135 lb: sets of 5, 10.  Just greasing the movement.

Dec. 5- 180 lb.   Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x24k: 3.5m @ 4 rpm (15 reps). 2 sets of 2m @ 5rpm (20 reps), 1 set of 2m @ 5rpm (5 reps).  40 reps total.  2-3 minutes between sets.  Came back about an hour later and did jerks, 2x24k: 5m @ 6rpm = 30 reps. Rested 10m, then cleans, 2x24k: 2m @ 6rpm = 12 reps. Total of 80 jerks and 63 cleans with 2x24k (not counting warm up 5-6 reps).  Total time under the bells: 15.5 minutes.   Really not feeling it today- just want to get my reps in and rest.  Really low energy yesterday and today.  Maybe swings and getups later.

Dec. 4- 180 lb.  Went hunting, which involved some hill hiking.  Tried to train, but felt run down- probably the late night, early morning, and blood donation have me drained.  Long Cycle, 2x32k: 1m @ 4rpm; 2x24k: 1.5m @ 5 rpm.  Did two ladders of long cycle with 2x16k (3 reps), 2x24k (2 reps), 2x32k (1 rep).  Skipped the swings and get ups in favor of some more rest and food.  Steak for dinner.

Dec. 3- 181 lb.  Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x24k: 5m @ 5rpm = 25 reps.  In a separate session, swings, 24k: 100 in 5m. Mix of 1 and 2 hands.  Rest 1m, then getups, 24k: 10 in 10m.  Gave blood in the afternoon.

Dec. 2- 181 lb.  Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x24k: 5m @ 5 rpm = 25 reps. 

Dec. 1- 180.5 lb.  No training, but an active day on my feet a lot.

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