Sunday, September 1, 2013

September 2013 Training Log

September 30- 185 lb.  15m Indian club swing, 1.5 lb. Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x20k: 10 sets of 1m @ 8rpm, 1 m rest.  80 reps  Burned approximately 240 calories. Ran 3 miles in 33:19.  Pace is 11:06 minute mile, burning 420 calories.  Burned 680 calories in under an hour. Finished at 1:00 pm, probably at calorie equilibrium for the day, or perhaps a deficit.  

September 29- 185.5 lb.  Did 3 ladders of 3: dips, chins, pistols.  18 dips, 18 chins, 18 pistols per leg.

September 28- 185 lb. 15 minutes club swinging, 1.5 lb clubs.  Power clean/Front squat/Push press- 10 singles with 125.  Power clean, power jerk- 10 singles with 145.  Clean and jerk- 2 singles per arm with a 40k kettlebell.  A couple hours yard work.

September 27- 185 lb.  Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x20k: 9 sets of 1:00 @8rpm = 72 reps. Around 225 calories burned.  My conditioning is definitely improving.  These 9 sets felt easier than the 5 1m sets at the beginning of the program.  Getting the breathing pattern down for this pace as well.  Rested about 5 minutes, then ran 2.3 miles in 20:55.  According to my calorie tracker site, I burned 322 calories, and ran at a pace of 9:06 per mile for more than 2 miles.  Not too long ago, I was working hard to get a single 10:00 mile.  I guess this is what you call improvement!  Rested a few minutes, then 10 minutes of Indian club swinging.  About 550 calories in a little under an hour.

September 26- 185 lb.  Indian clubs, 15 minutes with 1.5 lb.

September 25- 184.5 lb.  First time under 185 since May 18. My next immediate milestone is to get under 183 (83k ranking weight division for USAKL/IKLF), so that's just around the corner.  After that, I'd like to land at about 175.  Training today: Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x20k: 8 sets of 1m @ 8rpm, 1m rest between sets. 64 reps.  No run or Indian clubs due to rain.  Just as well, as I have a lot of work to do today!  In the late afternoon and evening, I incorporated some pushup ladders into my routine, while grading papers.  5 ladders of 5 slow, controlled, pushups, paused at the bottom. 75 reps total.  Shoulder felt fine.

September 24- 186 lb.  15 minutes Indian club swinging, 1.5lb.  Made a 13 pound clubbell, and practiced some basic moves: call to order, lateral swings, hand to hand swings, and two hand shield casts.  Pretty tough, even with such a light weight! 

September 23- 187 lb.  15 minutes Indian club swinging in the early morning. Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x20k: 4m@ 8rpm, rest 4m, 2m @ 8rpm, rest 2m, 2m @ 8rpm. +- 200 calories burned.  64 reps total.  Ran 2.3 miles in 25m, burned 325 calories on run. 

September 22- 187.5 lb.  Some strength training in the evening.  Back squat: 185 (bodyweight): 2x5.  Chins: 2x5.  Dips: 2x5. 10 minutes Indian club swinging.   Don't want to overdo anything- I've got a tough set of long cycle coming up tomorrow.

September 20- 186 lb., no training.

September 20- 186 lb.  Indian club swinging, 1.5 lb., 10 min.  Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x20k: 2 sets of 3m @ 8rpm, 1 set of 1m @ 8rpm. Total: 7 minutes, 56 reps, about 200 calories.  Approximately 3 mile run.  Ran first half in slow, steady run, about 14 minutes, then fartlek on the way home, some jogging, walking, and three or four hard sprints.  32 minutes, about 420 calories burned. More or less 600 calories in under an hour.

September 19- 186 lb.  Indian club swinging- 10 minutes with new, actual Indian clubs!  1.5 lb.  Bodyweight training: 5 circuits of: 3 pistols per leg, 10 pushups, 5 chins, 5 dips, 5 Roman chair sit ups, 5 Roman chair back raises.  25 each of dips, chins, sit ups, back raises; 15 pistols per leg, 50 pushups.

September 18- 185.5 lb. Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x20k: 3 sets of 2:00 @ 8rpm, 1 set of 1:00 @ 8rpm.  Total 7:00, 56 reps.  Ran 10 sprints of approximately 30 yards, walking back, no rest.

September 17- 187 lb. 10m Indian club swinging, 13m dumbbell calisthenics (50 each of curls, toe touch, press, ski poles, standing chest flies) with two 8lb. dumbbells.  Bodyweight circuit: 3 pistols per leg, 5 pushups, 5 chins, 5 dips.  Repeated circuit 5 times for 15 pistols/leg, 25 each pushups, chins, dips.

September 16- 185.5 lb., 18.5% body fat. Approximately 34 lb. fat, 151.5 lean mass.    Long Cycle clean and jerk, 2x20k: 5 sets of 1:30 @ 8rpm = 60 reps., 1:00-1:30m rest between sets.  10 minutes easy Indian club swinging.  Ran 2.2 miles in 24 minutes (21 minutes straight, a little walking, then a sprint at the end).  According to the calculator at, I burned 308 calories running. Roman chair- 2x10 sit ups, back raise.

September 15- 188 lb.  18 minutes on the Nordic track with an average heart rate of about 145 = about 250 calories burned.  Some light Indian club swinging for my shoulders.  Finished with an old dumbbell calisthenics routine from the Art of Manliness page: 50 curls (I know...), 50 toe touches, 50 military presses, 50 ski bends, and 50 (5 sets of 10) standing chest flies, with 2 8lb. dumbbells.  Not a bad little session.  Broke a light sweat, felt good afterward, not too strenuous, so it won't interfere with tomorrow's GS session.  Went to bed weighing 188- hoping to break 186 tomorrow, then not go eat ice cream.

September 14- 188 lb. no training.

September 13- 188 lb.  Ugh.  Took dad out for ice cream last night, since he was feeling good; now I'm up two pounds.  AM: Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x20k: 8 sets of 1m @ 8rpm, 1m rest = 64 reps. 15 minutes work at 150-160 bpm = about 250 calories. PM: ran 2 miles in 21 minutes, then threw a 6  pound medicine ball and chased it all over the yard for 13 minutes.  34 minutes of cardio at an average heart rate of 168 = about 600 calories. Burned about 850 calories today through physical training.  Ate pretty clean.

September 12- 186 lb. Lowest weight in a while.  Did 5 circuits over a 3 hour period of: 5 slow, strict pushups, 5 dips, 5 chins, and 3 pistols per leg.  25 pushups, dips, chins, 15 pistols per leg.  Easy calisthenics.  Also did several basic mobility drills throughout the day. 

September 11- 187 lb.  Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x20k: 7 sets of 1m @ 8rpm (56 reps 4928 lb. clean and jerked), 1m rest.  Rested 5m, then ran 2 miles in 18 minutes nonstop.  13m of clean and jerk (work + rest) and 18m run = 31 minutes at a heart rate of 150-160 bpm = +-500 calories burned.

September 10- 186.5 lb.  20 minutes of calisthenics with a 16k bell- 5 minutes of getups, some windmills, around the body passes, and goblet squats, then 7 minutes of snatch/press/clean/press, alternating hands.  Not a tough workout, just an easy session to break a sweat and keep moving.  Finished with Roman chair plus 16k bell- sit ups with bell overhead: 5/side.  Back raise with bell behind neck: 2 sets of 5.  Easy wall pushups: 2 sets of 25. Feeling rested and strong today, but this is all I'll do.  Easy session, then recovery for tomorrow's GS practice.

September 9- 189 lb.  Long Cycle clean and jerk, 2x20k: six sets of 1m @ 8rpm, 1m rest.  48 reps.  VWC snatch, 15:15, 16k, 6 reps per set, 40 sets (20 minutes).  Working with a more shoulder-friendly GS style snatch.  It's fast for GS, but slower than hardstyle snatching.  It will serve my purpose fine- getting my cardio in, without overtraining the shoulders.  Rested a few minutes, then 6 circuits of single squats @ 225 and barbell clean and presses @ 115.

September 8- day off from training

September 7- 188 lb.  VWC snatch, 15:15, 30lb. kettlebell.  Did 50 sets in 25 min. 350 snatches.  Average  heart rate: 162.  Burned about 420 calories, or a little more than 16 per minute. Some Roman chair work, then mowed grass.

September 6- 188 lb.  Celebrated my Ph.D. graduation last night with a huge steak and too much chocolate.  One arm pushup: 4,3,2,1.  Pistols: 4,3,2,1.  Long Cycle clean and jerk, 2x20k: 3m, 2m, 1m @ 8rpm.  1:1 work:rest ratio. 48 reps total.  Mowed grass 30m.

September 5- 186.5 lb.  Turkish get up: 15 minutes of continuous getups with a snatch on top. 16k. Pulse 130-140, burned somewhere around 200 calories. One arm pushups: 4,3,2,1.  Pistols: 4,3,2,1.  Chin ups: 5,5,4,3,2.

September  4- 187 lb., 22% body fat.  41 lb. fat, 146 lb. lean mass.  Of course, these measurements are approximate, but do help to track changes over time. Chin ups: 5,4,4,3,2. Long Cycle clean and jerk, 2x20k: two sets of 2:30 @ 8rpm 1:30 rest.  40 reps total.  Heart rate after second set: 180 bpm.  Rested a few minutes, then 5m (10 sets) of 15:15 snatch intervals with 16k, 7reps.  Rested a few minutes, then did a clean and jerk with 2x24k every 20 seconds for 7 minutes.  21 reps. Put bells on the deck between reps.  Finished with 10 singles per arm of clean and press with 28k.

September 3- 188 lb.  One arm pushups: 3,3,2.  Pistols: 3,3,2.  Chin ups: 5,4,3,3,2.  Turkish get up: 10 minutes with 16k.  Heart rate at end of set: 144.  Calories burned: 143.  This is roughly equivalent to my pulse and oxidation when skiing on the Nordic Track.  Shoulders felt great- just starting to fatigue at the end of the set. 

September 2- 190 lb.  Ate pizza last night.  Pistol: 3,2,2. One arm Pushup: 3,2,2.  Chin ups: 5,4,3,2,2.  Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x20k: 3 sets of 2m @ 8rpm, 1:00-1:30 rest between sets.

September 1- 188 lb.  Early AM: One arm pushup: 3,2,1.  Pistols (5lb. counterweight): 3,2,1.  Chin ups: 5,4,3,2,1.  PM: Cleaned gym and garage in 87degree heat.  Warmed up a little on the Nordic Track, then 30 sets (15m) of VWC snatches @ 15:15 with 16k.  210 snatches. Conditioning was good, but still adjusting technique to this pace and snatch style.  Have not snatched in a while.

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