I've been off the blog for a while, and have not been logging my training here, but I've been training! It's been a busy time finishing my dissertation for my Ph.D. My training consisted of a powerlifting focus up to a push/pull meet I had on November 10. I benched 205 and deadlifted 325- lots of room for improvement. Took a week off, then did several weeks of strength work in the double jerk and snatch with the 32k. Started December working on timed sets with the 24k's. Here at the end of the year, it's time to lay out some specific goals for the new year. Here are mine. In calendar year 2013, I want to:
- Earn Master of Sport rank in the single clean and jerk. At my weight class, that's 44 reps per arm with a 32k. I earned CMS (44/44 with a 28k bell) after making good progress in the biathlon with 20k last summer, so this is a goal that I believe will become more of a possibility after I work up to some better numbers in the jerk and snatch with the 24k's, which brings me to my next goal:
- Earn rank with the 24k kettlebells. I plan to rank with both USAKL and WKC. USAKL ranks in these lifts individually- I'll need 45 jerks and 110 snatches to make rank II in these lifts. In WKC, I need 64 jerks and 60/60 snatches for rank I. I'd like to work up to some good numbers before Cyrus Peterson's meet in May. Last year in June, I put up 85 jerks and 80/80 snatches with 16k to win. I want these numbers with the 24k this year. It feels good to be doing timed sets with the man-sized weight, and I'd like to do it well.
- I also want to rank with the 36k or 40k in kettlebell strongman sport. I've been chasing this rank since 2010. I missed it by two jerks at Scott Shetler's meet in Atlanta in 2010, failed during a video test at Ross Gilling's place in 2011, and did only 14/13 at Cyrus' meet in Charlotte this year. Looking back, I had 16/16 in me, and didn't dig deep and go for it. Next time I meet the grey bell, I'm leaving with rank.
- Deadlift 435 pounds at 175 pounds. 2.5 times bodyweight. Why? If you have to ask, you don't get it.
What are you going to do this next year? How will you get there?