Wednesday, July 1, 2015

July 2015 Training Log

July 31- Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x20k. Warm up: 1m @ 6 rpm.  Work set: 10m @ 6 rpm = 60.  Not a max, but a good challenge to get to 10m.  Mentally, not as tough as it was before.  Nothing wants to give out at this weight and pace, but it's hard work.  Chins: 5,4,3,2,1 = 15.  Dips: 2x12.  No elbow pain.  My max number for chins is probably 7.

July 30- 179 lb.  Been eating VBS food at church.  No serious training today.  Graded lots of papers, and played around with a few presses and snatches with 16k, front squats with 2x20k, and dips and chins.  Nothing serious.  Played on the lake for a few hours in the afternoon.

July 29- Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x20k.  Warm up: 1m @ 6rpm. Work set: 10m @ 6rpm.  Rested 10m, then dumbbell training. Rested a few minutes, then step ups on a 16 inch step: 100 left, 100 right in about 12:30. The step ups do for my legs what the dumbbell work does for my upper body- some resistance and endurance training to counter-balance the high-rep ballistics of long cycle.

July 28- no training in the gym.  Dawn and I have little energy, feel wiped out.  Don't know if it we have a bug?  Had to go work on the land to prepare for a power pole.  About two and a half hours of chainsawing, dragging, mowing, and weedeating.

July 27- Tried to get a little long cycle training in, but did not feel it mentally or physically. Did dumbbell training- all the usual stuff with a pair of 12 lb. bells.  Then went and push mowed the property for two hours.

July 24- Long cycle clean and jerk.  Warm up: 2x24k: 1m @ 5rpm. Work set: 2x20k: 11m @ 6 rpm = 66 reps. Rested 2m to change shoes, then 5m of burpees @ 6rpm = 30 reps.  10 curls with a 45 lb. oly bar. Finished with an easy 1 mile ride on a fixed gear bike.

July 22- Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x24k: 1m @ 6rpm; 3:10 @ 6rpm.  25 reps total.  Bad lifting day- just could not get my head into it. Ran/walked for cardio: ran 13:30, walked 2:00, ran 3:00, walked 5:00, for 22:30.  Several hours on a ladder washing the exterior of my house- light active recovery.

July 21- 178 lb. Bodyweight calisthenics/cardio.  Burpees: 10m @ 6rpm = 60 reps, then step-ups on a 16 inch block: 100 left, 100 right in 12m.  22 minutes of cardio/strength training.

July 20- 179 lb. Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x18k. Warm up: 1m @ 8rpm. Work set: 10m @ 8rpm = 80 reps.  This is a PR for a competition set with this weight.  I felt like I could have gone a little longer, but not faster. Dumbbell training with 12 lb. dumbbells.  80 minutes of steady yard work- mowing, weed-eating, carrying trash and brush, etc.

July 18- Viking Warrior Conditioning snatch, 16k. 20 sets of 7 in 10:00.

July 15- Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x20k. Warm up: 1m @ 6rpm.  Work set: 10m @ 6rpm = 60 reps.  This is not a record- I've done 70 reps twice-, but a good set for me right now.  This was the easiest 60-rep set I've ever done with the purple bells. Rested a few minutes, then dumbbell training with 2x12 lb., then longstrength training: 100 reps each of squat pulls, sissy dips.  A little walk afterward.

July 14- 177.5 lb.  Did not test bodyfat, but I'm visibly leaner at this weight than a few months ago when I was four pounds lighter.  Visible hypertrophy in shoulders, arms, upper back, and chest from dumbbell training.  Ribs visible, abs visible but some fat around the stomach. Wearing size 32 pants again.  I don't think it will be worth my while to try to get under 171.5 to compete in the 78k division.  I feel good at this weight, and am well under the limit for the 85k class. Dropping 7 pounds from my current weight would reduce my rank requirements by 4 reps.  I think adding 4 reps will be easier and better for me than losing 7 pounds.

Training today: long cycle clean and jerk, 2x18k.  Warm up: 1m @ 7rpm. Work set: 10m @ 7rpm.  Dumbbell training, 2x12 lb.  Cardio: pushed a lawnmower in the sunshine for 29m.

July 13- Dumbbell training early morning with two 12lb. dumbbells. Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x18k.  Warm up: 1m @ 6rpm. Work set: 15m @ 6 rpm = 90 reps.  Rested 5m, then hardstyle swings: 10 reps on the minute for 20m with a 24k bell, alternating hands on the minute. 200 swings.

July 10- Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x18k. Warm up: 1m @ 6rpm. Work set: 10:30 @ 6 rpm = 63 reps. Jerks, 2x20k: 3m @ 8 rpm = 24.  Dumbbell training with a pair of 12 lb. dumbbells.  Hot today, low energy, but got my 10m set in.

July 8- 178 lb. Long cycle clean and jerk.  2x20: 1m @ 6rpm. 2:30 @ 6 rpm. 21 reps total. 2x18k: 1m @ 6rpm. 2x24k: 1m @ 5rpm.  Low energy day, did not feel strong.  Settled for single clean and jerk, 18k: 20m @ 8 rpm, 1 hand switch.  80 left, 80 right.  Really worked the grip. A little dumbbell training afterward.

July 7- 177 lb. Dumbbell training. 24k swings: 1 set of 50/50.  Practiced a few kata.

July 6- Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x18k. Warm up: 1m @ 6 rpm.  Work set: 12:30 @ 6 rpm = 75 reps. Rested a few minutes, then jerk, 2x28k: 3m @ 4 rpm = 12 reps.  Swings, 28k: 2 sets of 30/30 reps = 120 swings.  Changed shoes and ran 10 minutes, then walked 4 minutes back home. Temperature is almost 90 degrees today.

July 5- dumbbell training in the evening.  12 lb dumbbells, 20 reps each of curl, French press, lateral raise, reverse fly, fly.

July 3- Basic resiliency training with a pair of 12 lb. dumbbells. Some kata practice. Later, 28k swings: 3 sets of 30/30, sport style.

July 2- 176 lb. Long cycle clean and jerk, 2x18k. Warm up: 1m @ 6rpm. Work set: 11m @ 6 rpm = 66 reps. Jerk, 2x28k: 1m @ 4 rpm.  Squat, 155 lb.: 1x10. Floor press, 155 lb.: 1x10.

July 1- 176.5 lb.  Kata practice.