Sunday, February 26, 2012

13 Chin Ups Video

A few days ago, I hit a personal record of 13 chin ups. Today, I did it again, and shot a video. By June I hope to hit 20.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

BOLT Blast

Today I talked to Nico Rithner about a new format he is unveiling for kettlebell competitions.  It's a format he came up with a while back, but really unleashed it last weekend at the first "Long Haul Meet" at his gym in Denver.  The format is called BOLT, and it comes in different options for adult lifters.  Here is how it works:
The four events contested in the BOLT meets are the double jerk, the snatch, the single clean and jerk, and the double half snatch, in this order.  Unlike traditional girevoy sport, an athlete can put down the kettlebell and switch hands as often as he wants.

There is the standard BOLT- up to four events, performed for 10 minutes each, with at least 30 minutes rest between them. 

BOLT Blast consists of the four lifts done for 5 minutes each, with one minute rest between sets.

The BOLT Endurance, or "Long Haul", is all four events, done for 10 minutes, with no rest between them.

I did the BOLT Blast, using two 16k kettlebells.  I got 40 double jerks, 94 snatches, 40 one arm clean and jerks, and 32 double half snatches.  That's 10,008 pounds lifted over head in 20 minutes of work.  Not a bad workout!  Think about it like this- in terms of work, that's like picking up a 500 pound barbell from below the waist to lockout overhead, once every minute for 20 minutes!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

13 Chin Ups!

I hit a new record tonight, but did not make a video.  My previous chin up best was 12, and tonight, showing off for Dawn, I hit 13.  I'll repeat the feat on video shortly and archive it here for the ages.  My goal is 20 chin ups on or before my 35th birthday this June.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

February Training Log

February 29- Snatch, 32k- 21/21 at about 15 rpm. 

February 28- Snatch, 32k- 18/18 @ about 15 rpm.

February 27- Chin up: 12,10,8,6,4.  One arm pushup: 4,3,2,1 per arm.  Pistol: 4,3,2,1 per leg.

February 26- Bolt Blast again with 2x20k.  5 minute sets with 1 minute break.  Score: 45 double jerks, 90 snatches, 44 one arm clean and jerks, 25 double half snatches.  13 chin ups to film a video of my new best.

February 25- Not much time, so just 5 minutes of double half snatch with 2x20k.  40 reps. 

February 24- no training today.

February 23- Pistols- 3,2 per leg;  One arm pushups- 3,2 per arm.  Bolt Blast with 20k.  5 minutes of each lift, with one minute rest between lifts.  Put the kettlebell down as needed on all lifts except snatch.  Score: 40 double jerks, 80 snatches, 48 one arm clean and jerks, 20 double half snatches.  10,912 pounds lifted overhead in 23 minutes!

February 22- Pistols- 3, 2, 2 per leg; One arm pushups- 3, 2, 2, per leg.  Chin ups: 11, 9.  Bolt Blast with 16k: 5 minutes per lift, with one minute rest, setting bell down and switching hands as needed.  Score: 40 double jerks, 94 snatches, 40 one arm clean and jerks, 32 double half snatches.  Lifted 10,009 pounds overhead in 23 minutes.   32k snatch: 3 min. @ 12 rpm (18/18).

February 21- day off from training.

February 20- finally back in action after a week down with a serious stomach virus.  Still pretty weak.  Did 32k snatch: 3 minutes @ 12 rpm (18/18).  I lost the week when I would have jumped up to 4 minutes (24/24), and I think I need at least another week at 18/18 before making this jump.  Slow and steady wins the race, right?

February 19- nothing today.  Weak from this virus.  Ugh.

February 18- felt a little better today.  Decided to test chin ups. Got 10 with no problem, could have gotten 11, but not 12. Back to bed. Very little appetite.

February 17- no training. Still can't eat a thing.

February 16- no training.  Can't eat.

February 15- no training. Norovirus hit hard.  Threw up all night, with lower gastric problems to follow.  Very little sleep.

February 14- 32k Snatch: 3 minutes @ 12 rpm.

February 13-

February 12-  Tested chin ups.  Got 12 very strict. Could perhaps have gotten 13 or 14 with a kip on the last few, but my goal is strict pullups.

February 11

February 10- Chin ups: 11, 11, 10, 9,8,7. , Southwood program: 8,6,4 of each: cleans @ 20k, press @ 20k, front squat @ 20k, bridge press @ 32k.

February 9- Chin ups: 11,10,9,8,7.  Southwood program: 8,6,4 of each: cleans @ 24k, press @ 20k, front squat @ 20k, bridge press @ 24k.  Snatch, 32k: 3 m @ 12 rpm x 2.

February 8- Worked for four hours building a floor at a friend's house.  Snatch, 32k- 3 m @ 12 rpm.

February 7- Rest day

February 6- Chin Ups: 10,9,9,8,7; Dan John's "Southwood" program with kettlebells: double clean, 24k: 8,6,4; military press, 2x20k: 8,6,4; front squat, 2x20k: 8,6,4; bridge press, 2x24k: 8,6,4.  Snatch, 32k: 3 minutes @ 12rpm.

February 5- Super Bowl!  Chin ups: 10,9,8,8,7; Snatch, 32k: 3 minutes @ 12rpm. Southwood: 8,6,4 of cleans (2x20k), press (2x20k), Front squat (2x20k), bridge press (2x24k); One arm long cycle: 10 minutes @ 10 rpm, 1 hand switch, 16k.

February 4- Chin Ups: 10,9.8,7,7; Snatch, 32k: 2 minutes @ 12rpm,  3 minutes @ 12 rpm

February 3- rest day

February 2- happy Groundhog day.  I don't know if he saw his shadow, because it's already spring here.  Beautiful sunny day, in the low-mid 60's.  Took some iron outside and did the following workout:  Today was not so much about throwing heavy weights, or about volume- just about having fun lifting weights in the sunshine.  Days like this are why I lift!

   Barbell power cleans: 115- 8,6,4
   Barbell press: 100- 8,6,4
   Barbell power snatch: 15 or 20 singles, with weights from 95 to 125 pounds.  Emphasis on technique
   Barbell power clean and power jerk: 120- about 10 singles
   Kettlebell snatch, 32k  2 minutes @ 12 rpm (24 reps), 3 minutes @ 12 rpm (36 reps).  One hand switch.

February 1- Tired from a long Tuesday, and a late night.  Did Dan John's "Southwood" workout with kettlebells:  clean (2x24k)- 8,6,4.  Press (2x20k)- 8,6,4.  Front squat (2x20k)- 8,6,4.  Floor press (from bridge, 2x24k)- 8,6,4.